Global Descriptor Table

Zhang3讨论 | 贡献2021年12月21日 (二) 07:20的版本 (创建页面,内容为““全局描述符表”(“GDT”)是特定于 IA-32]和[[X86-64 | X86-64体系结构的二进制数据结构。它包含告诉CPU关于内存分段的条目。 类似的中断描述符表包含任务中断描述符。 建议阅读GDT教程。 == GDTR == “GDT”由“GDTR”寄存器中的值指向。 这是使用“LGDT”汇编指令加载的,该指令的参数是指向“GDT描述符”…”)
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“全局描述符表”(“GDT”)是特定于[[IA32_体系结构| IA-32]和 X86-64体系结构的二进制数据结构。它包含告诉CPU关于内存分段的条目。 类似的中断描述符表包含任务中断描述符。



“GDT”由“GDTR”寄存器中的值指向。 这是使用“LGDT”汇编指令加载的,该指令的参数是指向“GDT描述符”结构的指针:

GDT Descriptor (GDTR)
79 (64-bit mode)
48 (32-bit mode)   16
15   0
63 (64-bit mode)
31 (32-bit mode)   0

15   0
  • Size: 表的大小(以字节为单位)减去1。之所以发生此减法,是因为“Size”的最大值为65535,而“GDT”的长度最多为65536字节(8192个条目)。此外,任何“GDT”的大小都不能为0字节。
  • Offset: “GDT”的线性地址(不是物理地址,分页适用)。





Global Descriptor Table
Address Content
GDTR Offset + 0 Null
GDTR Offset + 8 Entry 1
GDTR Offset + 16 Entry 2
GDTR Offset + 24 Entry 3
... ...





Segment Descriptor
63   56 55   52 51   48 47   40 39   32
31   24
3   0
19   16
Access Byte
7   0
23   16
31   16 15   0
15   0
15   0
  • Base: 一个32位的值,包含段开始的线性地址。
  • Limit: 一个20位的值,以1字节单位或4KB页面表示最大可寻址单元。 因此,如果选择页面粒度并将“限制”值设置为0xFFFFF,则该段将在32位模式下跨越整个4 GiB地址空间。



Access Byte
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Pr Privl S Ex DC RW Ac
  • Pr: 当前位。 允许条目引用有效段。 Must be set (1) for any valid segment.
  • Privl: 描述符特权级别字段。 包含段的 CPU特权级别0 = highest privilege (kernel), 3 = lowest privilege (user applications).
  • S: 描述符类型位。 If clear ('0) the descriptor defines a system segment (eg. a Task State Segment). 如果设置(1),则定义代码或数据段。
  • Ex: Executable bit. If clear (0) the descriptor defines a data segment. If set (1) it defines a code segment which can be executed from.
  • DC: Direction bit/Conforming bit.
 ** For data selectors: Direction bit. If clear (0) the segment grows up. If set (1) the segment grows down, ie. the Offset has to be greater than the Limit.
 ** For code selectors: Conforming bit.
 *** If clear (0) code in this segment can only be executed from the ring set in Privl.
 *** If set (1) code in this segment can be executed from an equal or lower privilege level. For example, code in ring 3 can far-jump to conforming code in a ring 2 segment. The Privl field represent the highest privilege level that is allowed to execute the segment. For example, code in ring 0 cannot far-jump to a conforming code segment where Privl is 2, while code in ring 2 and 3 can.  请注意,特权级别保持不变,即。 a far-jump from ring 3 to a segment with a Privl of 2 remains in ring 3 after the jump.
  • RW: Readable bit/Writable bit.
 ** For code segments: Readable bit. If clear (0), read access for this segment is not allowed. If set (1) read access is allowed. 决不允许对代码段进行写访问。
 ** 对于数据段:可写位。 If clear (0), write access for this segment is not allowed. If set (1) write access is allowed. Read access is always allowed for data segments.
  • Ac: Accessed bit. Best left clear (0), the CPU will set it when the segment is accessed.
3 2 1 0
Gr Sz L Reserved
  • Gr: Granularity flag, indicates the size the Limit value is scaled by. If clear (0), the Limit is in 1 Byte blocks (byte granularity). If set (1), the Limit is in 4 KiB blocks (page granularity).
  • Sz: Size flag. If clear (0), the descriptor defines a 16-bit protected mode segment. If set (1) it defines a 32-bit protected mode segment. A GDT can have both 16-bit and 32-bit selectors at once.
  • L: Long-mode code flag. If set (1), the descriptor defines a 64-bit code segment. When set, Sz should always be clear. For any other type of segment (other code types or any data segment), it should be clear (0).




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