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(创建页面,内容为“SWARM First published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, April 1982. "I will miss your conversation during the rest of the voyage," the alien said. Captain-Doctor Simon Afriel folded his jeweled hands over his gold-embroidered waistcoat. "I regret it also, ensign," he said in the alien's own hissing language. "Our talks together have been very useful to me, I would have paid to learn so much, but you gave it freely." "But that was only informatio…”)
第1行: 第1行:
虫群 - 布鲁斯·斯特林(Bruce Sterling)

First published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, April 1982.
1982年4月首次发表在《Fantasy & Science Fiction》杂志上。

"I will miss your conversation during the rest of the voyage," the alien said.

Captain-Doctor Simon Afriel folded his jeweled hands over his gold-embroidered waistcoat.
"I regret it also, ensign," he said in the alien's own hissing language. "Our talks together have
“我也很遗憾,少尉,”他特别用外星人嘶嘶声说。 “我们在一起的谈话对我非常有价值,而你愿意无偿向我分享这些。”
been very useful to me, I would have paid to learn so much, but you gave it freely."

"But that was only information," the alien said. He shrouded his bead-bright eyes behind thick
“但那只是信息,”外星人说。 他把珠子般的明亮的眼睛在厚厚的瞬膜后面闪烁。 “我们投资者主要经营能源和贵金属。 珍视和追求纯粹的知识是一种不成熟的种族特征。“” 在外星人针孔大小的耳朵后面出些了一条长长的带肋褶边。
nictitating membranes. "We Investors deal in energy, and precious metals. To prize and pursue
mere knowledge is an immature racial trait." The alien lifted the long ribbed frill behind his
pinhole-sized ears.

"No doubt you are right," Afriel said, despising him. "We humans are as children to other
“毫无疑问,你是对的,” 阿弗瑞尔并不赞同他。 “然而,我们人类就像其他种族的孩子一样;因此,某种不成熟对我们来说似乎很自然。” 阿弗瑞尔摘下墨镜,揉了揉鼻梁。 星舰舱被灼热的蓝光和强烈的紫外线所浸透。 这是投资者们自己喜欢的光线,他们不打算为一个人类乘客改变它。
races, however; so a certain immaturity seems natural to us." Afriel pulled off his sunglasses to
rub the bridge of his nose. The starship cabin was drenched in searing blue light, heavily
ultraviolet. It was the light the Investors preferred, and they were not about to change it for one
human passenger.

"You have not done badly," the alien said magnanimously. "You are the kind of race we like
“你做得不错,”外星人大度地说。 “你是我们喜欢与之开展业务的那种种族: 年轻,渴望,可塑,可以接受各种物品和经历。 我们本可以更早地与你联系,但你的技术仍然太薄弱,无法为我们带来利润。“”
to do business with: young, eager, plastic, ready for a wide variety of goods and experiences. We
would have contacted you much earlier, but your technology was still too feeble to afford us a

"Things are different now," Afriel said. "We'll make you rich."

"Indeed," the Investor said. The frill behind his scaly head flickered rapidly, a sign of
“的确如此,” 投资者说。 他长满鳞屑的脑袋后面的褶边迅速闪烁着,这是一种兴奋的表现。 “两百年后,你们会有足够的钱从我们这里购买我们的星际航行的秘密。” 或者你们中的机械派也许也会通过研究发现这个秘密。"
amusement. "Within two hundred years you will be wealthy enough to buy from us the secret of
our starflight. Or perhaps your Mechanist faction will discover the secret through research."

Afriel was annoyed. As a member of the Reshaped faction, he did not appreciate the reference
阿弗瑞尔很生气。 作为重塑派的一员,他不喜欢提到竞争对手机械派。 他说: “不要仅仅在技术专长上投入太多。”
to the rival Mechanists. "Don't put too much stock in mere technical expertise," he said.
“想想我们重塑派的语言天赋吧。 这使我们的派系成为更好的贸易伙伴。 对一个机械派人来说,所有的投资者看起来都很像。"
"Consider the aptitude for languages we Shapers have. It makes our faction a much better trading
partner. To a Mechanist, all Investors look alike."

The alien hesitated. Afriel smiled. He had appealed to the alien's personal ambition with his
外星人犹豫了一下。 阿弗瑞尔笑了。 他在刚刚的声明中暗暗挑动了外星人的个人野心。 这就是机械派经常犯的错误。 他们试图一致地对待所有投资者,每次都使用相同的程序化程序。 他们缺乏想象力。
last statement, and the hint had been taken. That was where the Mechanists always erred. They
tried to treat all Investors consistently, using the same programmed routines each time. They
lacked imagination.

Something would have to be done about the Mechanists, Afriel thought. Something more
阿弗瑞尔想,必须对机械派采取一些措施。 比小行星带上独立飞船和富含冰层的土星环之间的小型致命对峙更持久的东西。 两派不断周旋,寻找决定性的一击,贿赂彼此的最佳人才,进行伏击,暗杀和工业间谍活动。
permanent than the small but deadly confrontations between isolated ships in the Asteroid Belt
and the ice-rich Rings of Saturn. Both factions maneuvered constantly, looking for a decisive
stroke, bribing away each other's best talent, practicing ambush, assassination, and industrial

Captain-Doctor Simon Afriel was a past master of these pursuits. That was why the Reshaped
西蒙·阿弗瑞尔博士上尉曾是这些角逐游戏的大师。 这就是为什么重组后的派系支付了数百万千瓦的必要费用来购买他的旅费。 阿弗瑞尔拥有生物化学和外星语言学博士学位,以及磁性武器工程硕士学位。 他现在三十八岁,在他受孕时的就已经进行了重塑。 他的荷尔蒙平衡略有改变,以补偿长时间的失重影响。 他没有阑尾。 为了提高效率,对他心脏的结构进行了重新设计,并对大肠进行了改造,以产生原来通常由肠道细菌产生的维生素。 基因工程和童年时期的严格训练使他的智商达到了180。 他不是环带议会中最聪明的特工,但他是精神最稳定,最受信任的人之一。
faction had paid the millions of kilowatts necessary to buy his passage. Afriel held doctorates in
biochemistry and alien linguistics, and a master's degree in magnetic weapons engineering. He
was thirty-eight years old and had been Reshaped according to the state of the art at the time of
his conception. His hormonal balance had been altered slightly to compensate for long periods
spent in free-fall. He had no appendix. The structure of his heart had been redesigned for greater
efficiency, and his large intestine had been altered to produce the vitamins normally made by
intestinal bacteria. Genetic engineering and rigorous training in childhood had given him an
intelligence quotient of one hundred and eighty. He was not the brightest of the agents of the
Ring Council, but he was one of the most mentally stable and the best trusted.

"It seems a shame," the alien said, "that a human of your accomplishments should have to rot
“看起来很遗憾,”外星人说, “像你这样有成就的人可能会在这个悲惨的、无利可图的前哨地区空耗两年。”
for two years in this miserable, profitless outpost."

"The years won't be wasted," Afriel said.
“我觉得这两年的时间不会浪费,” 阿弗瑞尔说。

"But why have you chosen to study the Swarm? They can teach you nothing, since they
“但你为什么选择研究虫群呢? 它们什么也教不了你,因为它们不会说话。 它们不想交易,没有工具或技术。 它们是唯一一个基本上没有智力的太空种族。“”
cannot speak. They have no wish to trade, having no tools or technology. They are the only
spacefaring race that is essentially without intelligence."

"That alone should make them worthy of study."

"Do you seek to imitate them, then? You would make monsters of yourselves." Again the
“那么,你想模仿它们吗? 你会把自己变成怪物。“少尉又犹豫了。”也许你能做到。然而,这对商业交易没有任何益处。”
ensign hesitated. "Perhaps you could do it. It would be bad for business, however."

There came a fluting burst of alien music over the ship's speakers, then a screeching fragment
船上的扬声器上传来一阵外星人的音乐,然后是投资者语言中特殊的高音。 大部分音调都太高了,阿弗瑞尔的耳朵听不见。
of Investor language. Most of it was too high-pitched for Afriel's ears to follow.

The alien stood, his jeweled skirt brushing the tips of his clawed birdlike feet. "The Swarm's
symbiote has arrived," he said.

"Thank you," Afriel said. When the ensign opened the cabin door, Afriel could smell the
“谢谢,” 阿弗瑞尔说。 当少尉打开舱门时,阿弗瑞尔闻到了虫群代表身上的味道; 这种生物的温暖酵母气味在星际飞船的循环空气中迅速传播。
Swarm's representative; the creature's warm yeasty scent had spread rapidly through the starship's
recycled air.

Afriel quickly checked his appearance in a pocket mirror. He touched powder to his face and
阿弗瑞尔迅速地在袖珍镜子里检查了自己的外表。 他给脸扑了一些粉,拉直了他齐肩红色金发上的圆形天鹅绒帽子。 他的耳垂上闪耀着红宝石,大如鸽蛋,是从小行星带中开采出来的。 他的及膝大衣和马甲都是金色织锦的,下面的衬衣用红金线织成的,质地非常细腻。 他的着装给投资者留下了深刻的印象,他们期望并欣赏客户的表现出繁荣华贵的面貌。 但是他怎么能给这个新外星人留下深刻印象呢? 也是可以通过嗅觉。 他给自己重新喷了一遍香水。
straightened the round velvet hat on his shoulder-length reddish-blond hair. His earlobes glittered
with red impact-rubies, thick as his thumbs' ends, mined from the Asteroid Belt. His knee-length
coat and waistcoat were of gold brocade; the shirt beneath was of dazzling fineness, woven with
red-gold thread. He had dressed to impress the Investors, who expected and appreciated a
prosperous look from their customers. How could he impress this new alien? Smell, perhaps. He
freshened his perfume.

Beside the starship's secondary airlock, the Swarm's symbiote was chittering rapidly at the
在星际飞船的二级气闸旁边,虫群的共生体正在向飞船指挥官发出快速的叽叽喳喳声。 这位指挥官是个昏昏欲睡的老投资人,体型是大多数船员的两倍。 她巨大的头被镶在珠宝头盔中。 从头盔里,她云状的眼睛里像照相机一样闪烁着。
ship's commander. The commander was an old and sleepy Investor, twice the size of most of her
crewmen. Her massive head was encrusted in a jeweled helmet. From within the helmet her
clouded eyes glittered like cameras.

The symbiote lifted on its six posterior legs and gestured feebly with its four clawed
这只共生体用它的六条后腿抬起自己,四只有爪的前肢无力地做着手势。 这艘船的人工重力,是地球的三分之一,似乎困扰着它。 它还未发育成熟的眼睛悬在茎杆上,紧闭着以防眩目。 它一定是习惯了黑暗,阿弗瑞尔想。
forelimbs. The ship's artificial gravity, a third again as strong as Earth's, seemed to bother it. Its
rudimentary eyes, dangling on stalks, were shut tight against the glare. It must be used to
darkness, Afriel thought.

The commander answered the creature in its own language. Afriel grimaced, for he had hoped
指挥官用这个虫群生物的语言回答了它。 阿弗瑞尔不由的皱眉,因为他原本希望这个生物会说话。 现在,他将不得不学习另一种语言,一种为没有舌头的生物设计的语言。
that the creature spoke Investor. Now he would have to learn another language, a language
designed for a being without a tongue.

After another brief interchange the commander turned to Afriel. "The symbiote is not pleased
在又一次短暂的交流之后,指挥官转向了阿弗瑞尔。 “共生体对你的到来感到不满意,”她用投资者的语言告诉阿弗瑞尔。 “最近,这里显然发生了一些涉及人类的骚乱。 然而,我已经说服了你入巢。 这个意外插曲也会记录在案。 当我回到你们的星际系统时,我的外交服务费将与其它费用一起向你的派系结算。
with your arrival," she told Afriel in the Investor language. "There has apparently been some
disturbance here involving humans, in the recent past. However, I have prevailed upon it to admit
you to the Nest. The episode has been recorded. Payment for my diplomatic services will be
arranged with your faction when I return to your native star system."

"I thank Your Authority," Afriel said. "Please convey to the symbiote my best personal
“我感谢您的帮忙,” 阿弗瑞尔说。 “请向共生体转达我个人最良好的祝愿,以及我的善意和谦卑……” 当共生体向他扑来时,突然一停,狠狠地咬了他左腿的小腿。 阿弗瑞尔在沉重的人工重力下敏捷的跳开,选好位置摆开防卫姿势。 共生生物撕掉了他的一条裤腿;并安静地蹲下来,咀嚼它。
wishes, and the harmlessness and humility of my intentions...." He broke off short as the
symbiote lunged toward him, biting him savagely in the calf of his left leg. Afriel jerked free and
leapt backward in the heavy artificial gravity, going into a defensive position. The symbiote had
ripped away a long shred of his pants leg; it now crouched quietly, eating it.

"It will convey your scent and composition to its nestmates," said the commander. "This is
“它会把你的气味和成分传递给它的伙伴,”指挥官说。 “这是必要的。 否则你会被归类为入侵者,而虫群中的兵蜂会立刻杀死你。“”
necessary. Otherwise you would be classed as an invader, and the Swarm's warrior caste would
kill you at once."

Afriel relaxed quickly and pressed his hand against the puncture wound to stop the bleeding.
He hoped that none of the Investors had noticed his reflexive action. It would not mesh well with
他希望没有一个投资者注意到他突然施展的身手。 这与他所说的仅是一个无害研究人员的故事不太吻合。
his story of being a harmless researcher.

"We will reopen the airlock soon," the commander said phlegmatically, leaning back on her
“我们很快就会重新打开气闸,”指挥官冷冷地说,靠在这个爬行动物的厚厚尾巴上。 共生体继续咀嚼着那块布。 阿弗瑞尔仔细观察了那个生物无颈且分段的头部。 它有嘴和鼻孔,眼茎上有球茎状萎缩的眼睛; 有一些像是无线电接收器天线的东西,还有两个平行的脊状的弯曲的触角,在三个几丁质板之间冒出来。 他猜不透这些器官的作用。
thick reptilian tail. The symbiote continued to munch the shred of cloth. Afriel studied the
creature's neckless segmented head. It had a mouth and nostrils; it had bulbous atrophied eyes on
stalks; there were hinged slats that might be radio receivers, and two parallel ridges of clumped
wriggling antennae, sprouting among three chitinous plates. Their function was unknown to him.

The airlock door opened. A rush of dense, smoky aroma entered the departure cabin. It
气闸门打开了。 一股浓浓的烟熏香气进入出发舱。 这似乎让好几个投资者感到不舒服,他们很快就离开了。 “按照我们的约定,我们将在612天内返回,”指挥官说。
seemed to bother the half-dozen Investors, who left rapidly. "We will return in six hundred and
twelve of your days, as by our agreement," the commander said.

"I thank Your Authority," Afriel said.
“感谢您的协助,” 阿弗瑞尔说。

"Good luck," the commander said in English. Afriel smiled.

The symbiote, with a sinuous wriggle of its segmented body, crept into the airlock. Afriel
共生体,用其分段的身体弯曲蠕动,悄悄进入气闸。 阿弗瑞尔跟着它。 气闸在他们身后关闭了。 那生物没对他进行任何交流,只是继续大声地嚼着东西。 第二扇门打开了,共生体穿过它,进入了一个宽阔的圆形石洞。 它立刻消失在黑暗中。
followed it. The airlock shut behind them. The creature said nothing to him but continued
munching loudly. The second door opened, and the symbiote sprang through it, into a wide,
round stone tunnel. It disappeared at once into the gloom.

Afriel put his sunglasses into a pocket of his jacket and pulled out a pair of infrared goggles.
He strapped them to his head and stepped out of the airlock. The artificial gravity vanished,
他把护目镜戴在头上,走出气闸。 人造重力消失了,取而代之的是虫群小行星巢几乎无法察觉的重力。 阿弗瑞尔笑了,这是几周来第一次感到自在。 他成年后的大部分时间都在无重力环境中度过,在土星环带上的shapers殖民地中度过。
replaced by the almost imperceptible gravity of the Swarm's asteroid nest. Afriel smiled,
comfortable for the first time in weeks. Most of his adult life had been spent in free-fall, in the
Shapers' colonies in the Rings of Saturn.

Squatting in a dark cavity in the side of the tunnel was a disk-headed furred animal the size of
蹲在隧道一侧一个黑暗洞穴里的是只大象大小,有着一个盘状头的皮毛动物。 它的自身体热在红外线中清晰可见。 Afriel可以听到它的呼吸。 它耐心地等待着,直到阿弗瑞尔经过它,深入隧道。
an elephant. It was clearly visible in the infrared of its own body heat. Afriel could hear it
然后,这个生物回到隧道尽头自己的位置,用空气将自己膨胀起来,直到它膨胀的头部牢牢地将出口空间堵住。 再将它的多条腿牢牢地插入墙壁的插座中。
breathing. It waited patiently until Afriel had launched himself past it, deeper into the tunnel.
Then it took its place in the end of the tunnel, puffing itself up with air until its swollen head
securely plugged the exit into space. lts multiple legs sank firmly into sockets in the walls.

The Investors' ship had left. Afriel remained here, inside one of the millions of planetoids that
投资者的船已经离开了。 把阿弗瑞尔留在了这里,在这数百万颗小行星中的一颗里。 这些小行星组成的环带围绕着巨星参宿四旋转,加起来来的质量几乎是木星五倍的。 作为潜在财富的来源,整个小行星带使太阳系里的环带相形见绌,可以说它或多或少属于虫群。 至少,在投资者的记忆中,没有其他种族对它们提出过挑战。
circled the giant star Betelgeuse in a girdling ring with almost five times the mass of Jupiter. As a
source of potential wealth it dwarfed the entire solar system, and it belonged, more or less, to the
Swarm. At least, no other race had challenged them for it within the memory of the Investors.

Afriel peered up the corridor. It seemed deserted, and without other bodies to cast infrared
阿弗瑞尔从走廊往上看。 它似乎空无一物,没有其他身体散发的红外线,他看不见很远。 他蹬着墙,犹豫不决地沿着走廊飘了下去。
heat, he could not see very far. Kicking against the wall, he floated hesitantly down the corridor.

He heard a human voice. "Dr. Afriel!"

"Dr. Mirny!" he called out. "This way!"
“米尔妮博士!” 他喊道。“我在这!

He first saw a pair of young symbiotes scuttling toward him, the tips of their clawed feet
他首先看到一对幼年的共生生物向他疾驰而来,它们的爪状脚尖似乎在墙壁上飞行。 在他们身后走来一个戴着和他一样夜视镜的女人。 她很年轻,在基因重塑的作用下,莫名的很有吸引力。
barely touching the walls. Behind them came a woman wearing goggles like his own. She was
young, and attractive in the trim, anonymous way of the genetically reshaped.

She screeched something at the symbiotes in their own language, and they halted, waiting. She
她用共生生物的语言对它们发出刺耳的声音,它们停了下来,等待着。 她向前滑行,阿弗瑞尔抓住了她的胳膊,熟练地减缓了他们的速度。
coasted forward, and Afriel caught her arm, expertly stopping their momentum.

"You didn't bring any luggage?" she said anxiously.
“你没带行李吗?” 她焦急地说。

He shook his head. "We got your warning before I was sent out. I have only the clothes I'm
他摇摇头。“在我被派出来前,我们收到了你的警告。 我包里只有我穿的衣服和几件随身物品。
wearing and a few items in my pockets."

She looked at him critically. "Is that what people are wearing in the Rings these days? Things
她有点挑剔地看着阿弗瑞尔。“现在环带的人都穿成这样了? 流行变化比我想象的要大啊。”
have changed more than I thought."

Afriel glanced at his brocaded coat and laughed. "It's a matter of policy. The Investors are
阿弗瑞尔瞥了一眼自己的锦衣,笑了起来。“这是一个礼仪问题。 投资者总是更愿意和一个看起来准备做大生意的人交易。 这段时间所有重塑派代表都穿成这样。 我们比机械派占有先机,他们还穿着那套工作服呢。“
always readier to talk to a human who looks ready to do business on a large scale. All the
Shapers' representatives dress like this these days. We've stolen a jump on the Mechanists; they
still dress in those coveralls."

He hesitated, not wanting to offend her. Galina Mirny's intelligence was rated at almost two
还想要说些什么,但阿弗瑞尔犹豫了一下,因为不想冒犯她。 吉琳娜·米尔妮的智商评分接近200。 聪明的男女有时会反复无常,有时可能会沉浸在个人幻想世界中,有时可能陷入精心布局的陷阱。 高智商是重塑者在争取文化统治地位的斗争中选择的策略,尽管偶尔有不利因素,他们还是不得不坚持下去。
hundred. Men and women that bright were sometimes flighty and unstable, likely to retreat into
private fantasy worlds or become enmeshed in strange and inpenetrable webs of plotting and
rationalization. High intelligence was the strategy the Shapers had chosen in the struggle for
cultural dominance, and they were obliged to stick to it, despite its occasional disadvantages.
They had tried breeding the Superbright -- those with quotients over two hundred -- but so many
had defected from the Shapers' colonies that the faction had stopped producing them.

"You wonder about my own clothing," Mirny said.

"It certainly has the appeal of novelty," Afriel said with a smile.
“它们当然很新颖,” 阿弗瑞尔笑着说。

"It was woven from the fibers of a pupa's cocoon," she said. "My original wardrobe was eaten
“它们是用蛹茧的纤维织成的,”她说。 在去年的一场麻烦中,我原来的衣柜被一只清道夫共生体吃掉了。 我通常会裸体,但我不想因为太随意而冒犯你。“
by a scavenger symbiote during the troubles last year. I usually go nude, but I didn't want to
offend you by too great a show of intimacy."

Afriel shrugged. "I often go nude myself, I never had much use for clothes except for pockets.
I have a few tools on my person, but most are of little importance. We're Shapers, our tools are
我随身带了一些工具,但大多数都不重要。 我们是重塑者,我们的工具在这里。”他轻拍了一下头。”你是否能告诉我一个地方能安全的放衣服……”
here." He tapped his head. "If you can show me a safe place to put my clothes...."

She shook her head. It was impossible to see her eyes for the goggles, which made her
她摇摇头。 戴着夜视镜看不到她的眼睛,这使得她的表情很难读懂。“你犯了你的第一个错误,博士。 这里没有属于自己的地方。 以前那个机械派特工也犯了同样的错误,这几乎要了我的命。 这里没有隐私或财产的概念。 这是巢。 如果你为自己攫取了它的任何部分 —— 存放私人物品,用来睡觉,不管用来干什么——那么你就成了入侵者,成为了敌人。 那两名机械师 -- 一男一女 -- 试图为他们的计算机实验室占用一间空虫室。 兵蜂们直接破门而入,吞噬了他们。 拾荒者吃掉了他们的设备、玻璃和金属碎片。“”
expression hard to read. "You've made your first mistake, Doctor. There are no places of our own
here. It was the same mistake the Mechanist agents made, the same one that almost killed me as
well. There is no concept of privacy or property here. This is the Nest. If you seize any part of it
for yourself -- to store equipment, to sleep in, whatever -- then you become an intruder, an
enemy. The two Mechanists -- a man and a woman -- tried to secure an empty chamber for their
computer lab. Warriors broke down their door and devoured them. Scavengers ate their
equipment, glass, metal, and all."

Afriel smiled coldly. "It must have cost them a fortune to ship all that material here."
阿弗瑞尔冷冷地笑了。 “把这么多材料运到这里,肯定花了他们一大笔钱。”

Mirny shrugged. "They're wealthier than we are. Their machines, their mining. They meant to
米尔妮耸耸肩。“他们比我们富有。 他们有那些机器和矿产。 我想,他们是企图杀了我。 偷偷摸摸地,这样兵蜂们就不会因为出现暴力事件而心烦意乱。 他们有一台计算机,所以他们学习跳虱语的速度比我快。“”
kill me, I think. Surreptitiously, so the warriors wouldn't be upset by a show of violence. They
had a computer that was learning the language of the springtails faster than I could."

"But you survived," Afriel pointed out. "And your tapes and reports -- especially the early
“但是你活了下来,”阿弗瑞尔说。 “而且你的磁带和报告 -- 尤其是你仍然拥有大部分设备时的早期磁带和报告,-引起了我们极大的兴趣。 委员会一直支持你。 在你不在的时候,你已经成了环带的名人。
ones, when you still had most of your equipment -- were of tremendous interest. The Council is
behind you all the way. You've become quite a celebrity in the Rings, during your absence."

"Yes, I expected as much," she said.
她说: “是的,我觉得应该会如此。”

Afriel was nonplused. "If I found any deficiency in them," he said carefully, "it was in my
阿弗瑞尔这时有点不知所措。“如果我发现这些报告有什么不足之处,”他小心地说,“那主要是在我自己的专业领域,外星语言学。” 他试着含糊地向陪伴她的两个共生体挥手。 “既然似乎是它们进行虫巢的所有交流工作,所以我认为你在与共生体的交流方面取得了长足的进步。”
own field, alien linguistics." He waved vaguely at the two symbiotes who accompanied her. "I
assume you've made great progress in communicating with the symbiotes, since they seem to do
all the talking for the Nest."

She looked at him with an unreadable expression and shrugged. "There are at least fifteen
她用一种难以分辨的表情看着他,耸了耸肩。 “这里至少有15种不同的共生体。 跟着我的这种被称为跳虱,它们只是同种内部相互说话。 博士,它们还是野蛮人,他们之所以受到投资者的关注,只是因为他们还能说话。 它们曾经是太空旅行的种族,但它们已经忘记了。 他们发现了虫巢,被吸收了,变成了寄生虫。”她轻拍其中一个的头。 “我驯服了这两个,因为我学会了比他们更好地偷窃和乞讨食物。 他们现在和我在一起,保护我不受更大的虫类伤害。 你知道的,它们还会相互忌妒。 它们和虫巢在一起的时间大概只有一万年,现在还不确定它们的地位。
different kinds of symbiotes here. Those that accompany me are called the springtails, and they
他们仍然在思考,有时还会为自己的处境感到疑惑。 这也是10,000年后,他们仅剩的一点点了。”
speak only for themselves. They are savages, Doctor, who received attention from the Investors
only because they can still talk. They were a spacefaring race once, but they've forgotten it. They
discovered the Nest and they were absorbed, they became parasites." She tapped one of them on
the head. "I tamed these two because I learned to steal and beg food better than they can. They
stay with me now and protect me from the larger ones. They are jealous, you know. They have
only been with the Nest for perhaps ten thousand years and are still uncertain of their position.
They still think, and wonder sometimes. After ten thousand years there is still a little of that left
to them."

"Savages," Afriel said. "I can well believe that. One of them bit me while I was still aboard the
“野蛮人,”阿弗瑞尔说。“我完全可以相信。 当我还在星际飞船上的时候,其中一只咬了我。 作为大使,它留下了令人深刻的印象。”
starship. He left a lot to be desired as an ambassador."

"Yes, I warned him you were coming," said Mirny. "He didn't much like the idea, but I was
“是的,我提前警告过它你会来,”米尔妮说。 “它不太喜欢这个主意,但我用食物贿赂了他……我希望他没有把你伤得很重。”
able to bribe him with food.... I hope he didn't hurt you badly."

"A scratch," Afriel said. "I assume there's no chance of infection."
“一点抓痕,” 阿弗瑞尔说。 “我想应该不会感染。”

"I doubt it very much. Unless you brought your own bacteria with you."

"Hardly likely," Afriel said, offended. "I have no bacteria. And I wouldn't have brought
“几乎不可能,” 阿弗瑞尔生气地说。 “我没有细菌。 而且无论如何,我也不会把微生物带到外星人的社群中。
microorganisms to an alien culture anyway."

Mirny looked away. "I thought you might have some of the special genetically altered ones....
I think we can go now. The springtail will have spread your scent by mouth-touching in the
我想我们现在可以出发了。 跳虱会在我们前面的各个附属虫室里用相互碰嘴来传播你的气味。 它将在几个小时内传播到整个虫巢。 一旦气味到达女王,将会被迅速传播。“”
subsidiary chamber, ahead of us. It will be spread throughout the Nest in a few hours. Once it
reaches the Queen, it will spread very quickly."

She jammed her feet against the hard shell of one of the young springtails and launched
她用脚抵住其中一只幼跳虱的坚硬外壳,然后向下进入大厅。 阿弗瑞尔跟着她。 空气很暖和,他精心制作的衣服下开始出汗,但他那防腐的汗水是无味的。
herself down the hall. Afriel followed her. The air was warm and he was beginning to sweat
under his elaborate clothing, but his antiseptic sweat was odorless.

They exited into a vast chamber dug from the living rock. It was arched and oblong, eighty
他们走进一个从岩石中挖出来的大虫室里。 房间是拱形的,长80米,直径约20米, 并且挤满了虫巢的成员。
meters long and about twenty in diameter. It swarmed with members of the Nest.

There were hundreds of them. Most of them were workers, eight-legged and furred, the size of
有数百个各样的生物。 他们中的大多数是工蜂,八条腿和毛茸茸的,大小相当于大丹犬。 零星散落着兵蜂,它们有差不多马一样大小,毛茸茸的,长着可怕的尖牙,头的大小和形状有点像软垫椅。
Great Danes. Here and there were members of the warrior caste, horse-sized furry monsters with
heavy fanged heads the size and shape of overstuffed chairs.

A few meters away, two workers were carrying a member of the sensor caste, a being whose
几米外,两名工蜂抬着一名侦察虫,这名成员巨大的扁平头部与一具萎缩的身体相连,身体大部分是肺。 传感器具有巨大的板状眼睛,其皱褶的几丁质冒出长长的盘绕触角,当工虫将其缠绕时,触角微弱地抽动。 工蜂们用钩状和吸盘状的脚紧紧抓住洞壁的中空岩石。
immense flattened head was attached to an atrophied body that was mostly lungs. The sensor had
great platelike eyes, and its furred chitin sprouted long coiled antennae that twitched feebly as the
workers bore it along. The workers clung to the hollowed rock of the chamber walls with hooked
and suckered feet.

A paddle-limbed monster with a hairless, faceless head came sculling past them, through the
一个毛发稀疏、没有脸,长着桨腿的怪物从他们身边划桨而过,带来温暖而难闻的空气。 它的头部前部是噩梦中会出现的锋利下巴和带甲的酸液喷嘴。“隧道虫,” 米尔妮说。 “它可以把我们带到更深的虫巢里 —— 跟我来。”她向它扑去,抓住它毛茸茸的节状背部。 阿弗瑞尔跟在她后面,两只幼小的跳虱也跟着,它们用前肢紧紧地抓着它的皮。 隧道虫层叠潮湿皮毛上的温暖油腻感,让阿弗瑞尔一阵颤抖。 它继续在空中划桨,八只流苏般的桨足像翅膀一样抓住空气。
warm reeking air. The front of its head was a nightmare of sharp grinding jaws and blunt armored
acid spouts. "A tunneler," Mirny said. "It can take us deeper into the Nest -- come with me." She
launched herself toward it and took a handhold on its furry, segmented back. Afriel followed her,
joined by the two immature springtails, who clung to the thing's hide with their fore-limbs. Afriel
shuddered at the warm, greasy feel of its rank, damp fur. It continued to scull through the air, its
eight fringed paddle feet catching the air like wings.

"There must be thousands of them," Afriel said.

"I said a hundred thousand in my last report, but that was before I had fully explored the Nest.
Even now there are long stretches I haven't seen. They must number close to a quarter of a
即使是现在,虫巢的很多部分我还没有看到。 它们的数量肯定接近25万。 这颗小行星大概是机械派最大的基地 -- 谷神星的大小。 并且它仍然有丰富的含碳质矿脉, 还远远没有被开采出来。”
million. This asteroid is about the size of the Mechanists' biggest base -- Ceres. It still has rich
veins of carbonaceous material. It's far from mined out."

Afriel closed his eyes. If he was to lose his goggles, he would have to feel his way, blind,
阿弗瑞尔闭上了眼睛。 想像如果他弄丢夜视镜,他就必须靠摸索穿过这些拥挤、抽搐、蠕动的数以千记虫类。 “那么,人口还在增长,是吗?”
through these teeming, twitching, wriggling thousands. "The population's still expanding, then?"

"Definitely," she said. "In fact, the colony will launch a mating swarm soon. There are three
“当然,” 她说。“事实上,殖民地很快就会发起虫群交配。 在女王附近的虫室里有待选的三十多只雌雄翅虫。 一旦开始,它们就会交配并建立新的巢。 我马上带你去看它们。"她犹豫了一下。"我们现在正在进入其中一个真菌种植园。”
dozen male and female alates in the chambers near the Queen. Once they're launched, they'll
mate and start new Nests. I'll take you to see them presently." She hesitated. "We're entering one
of the fungal gardens now."

One of the young springtails quietly shifted position. Grabbing the tunneler's fur with its
一只小跳虱悄悄地改变了姿势。 它用前肢抓着挖隧道虫的皮毛,开始咬住阿弗丽尔的裤脚。 阿弗瑞尔干脆的一踢,小跳虫的眼柄迅速缩回。
forelimbs, it began to gnaw on the cuff of Afriel's pants. Afriel kicked it soundly, and it jerked
back, retracting its eyestalks.

When he looked up again, he saw that they had entered a second chamber, much larger than
当他再次抬头看时,他看到他们进入了第二个虫室,比第一个大得多。 周围、头顶和下面的墙壁都被一种爆炸性的真菌掩埋。 最常见的几种有着膨胀的桶状圆顶,有的像多叉的大灌木丛,有的像挤压过的意大利面,它们在味道浓郁的微风中轻轻浮动。
the first. The walls around, overhead, and below were buried under an explosive profusion of
fungus. The most common types were swollen barrellike domes, multibranched massed thickets,
and spaghettilike tangled extrusions that moved very slightly in the faint and odorous breeze.
Some of the barrels were surrounded by dim mists of exhaled spores.

"You see those caked-up piles beneath the fungus, its growth medium?" Mirny said.


"I'm not sure whether it is a plant form or just some kind of complex biochemical sludge," she
她说:“我不确定这是一种植物形式还是某种复杂的生化污泥。”。 “重点是它生长在小行星外部的阳光下。 在裸露的外太空中生长的食物来源! 想象一下,带回到环带上,这会值多少钱。”
said. "The point is that it grows in sunlight, on the outside of the asteroid. A food source that
grows in naked space! Imagine what that would be worth, back in the Rings."

"There aren't words for its value," Afriel said.

"It's inedible by itself," she said. "I tried to eat a very small piece of it once. It was like trying
“它本身是不可食用的,” 她说。 “有一次我试着吃了一小块。 就像在吃塑料一样。
to eat plastic."

"Have you eaten well, generally speaking?"

"Yes. Our biochemistry is quite similar to the Swarm's. The fungus itself is perfectly edible.
“还行。 我们的生物化学形式与虫群非常相似。 真菌本身是完全可以食用的。
The regurgitate is more nourishing, though. Internal fermentation in the worker hindgut adds to
不过,反刍液更有营养。 因为工蜂后肠的内部发酵增加了它的营养价值。
its nutritional value."

Afriel stared. "You grow used to it," Mirny said. "Later I'll teach you how to solicit food from
阿弗瑞尔盯着她。“你会适应的,” 米尔妮说。“稍后我会教你如何向工蜂索取食物。 这是一个简单的敲击反射行为 —— 工虫的大多数行为受信息素控制,但是吐食不需要。“” 她把一束又长又脏的头发捋了一下。 “我希望我寄回的信息素样本值得运输。”
the workers. It's a simple matter of reflex tapping -- it's not controlled by pheromones, like most
of their behavior." She brushed a long lock of clumped and dirty hair from the side of her face. "I
hope the pheromonal samples I sent back were worth the cost of transportation."

"Oh, yes," said Afriel. "The chemistry of them was fascinating. We managed to synthesize
“哦,是的,”阿弗瑞尔说。“它们的化学成分很迷人。 我们设法合成了大部分化合物。 我自己也是研究团队的一员。"他犹豫了。 他能信任她到什么程度? 她还不知道他和他的上级计划要进行的实验。 也许据米尔妮所知,阿弗瑞尔和她一样是一个简单、和平的研究员。 重塑派的科学界对参与军事工作和间谍活动的少数人总持有怀疑态度。
most of the compounds. I was part of the research team myself." He hesitated. How far did he
dare trust her? She had not been told about the experiment he and his superiors had planned. As
far as Mirny knew, he was a simple, peaceful researcher, like herself. The Shapers' scientific
community was suspicious of the minority involved in military work and espionage.

As an investment in the future, the Shapers had sent researchers to each of the nineteen alien
作为对未来的一项投资,重塑派向投资者描述的19个外星人种族中的每一个都派出了研究人员。 这使重塑派损失了许多吉瓦的宝贵能源以及数吨的稀有金属和同位素。 在大多数情况下,能派出两到三名研究员;而在其中的七个种族里,只能派出一个研究员。 针对虫群,吉琳娜·米尔妮被选中。 她平静地出发,相信自己的智慧和良好意愿能让她平安活下去,并保持理智。
races described to them by the Investors. This had cost the Shaper economy many gigawatts of
precious energy and tons of rare metals and isotopes. In most cases, only two or three researchers
他们只知道,当务之急是把她送来,即使是孤身一人,甚至是装备不足,也要赶在其他派别派来他们的人并可能发现一些具有重要压倒性意义的技术之前。 米尔妮博士确实发现了一些重要情况。 这让她的任务变成了环带的重要防卫问题。 这就是为什么阿弗瑞尔来了。
could be sent; in seven cases, only one. For the Swarm, Galina Mirny had been chosen. She had
gone peacefully, trusting in her intelligence and her good intentions to keep her alive and sane.
Those who had sent her had not known whether her findings would be of any use or importance.
They had only known that it was imperative that she be sent, even alone, even ill-equipped,
before some other faction sent their own people and possibly discovered some technique or fact
of overwhelming importance. And Dr. Mirny had indeed discovered such a situation. It had made
her mission into a matter of Ring security. That was why Afriel had come.

"You synthesized the compounds?" she said. "Why?"

Afriel smiled disarmingly. "Just to prove to ourselves that we could do it, perhaps."

She shook her head. "No mind-games, Dr. Afriel, please. I came this far partly to escape from
她摇了摇头。 “请不要玩心理游戏,阿弗瑞尔博士。我离开这么远,有部分是为了逃避这种事情。请告诉我真相。”
such things. Tell me the truth."

Afriel stared at her, regretting that the goggles meant he could not meet her eyes. "Very well,"
阿弗瑞尔盯着她,后悔戴了夜视镜,他看不到她的眼睛。“好吧,”他说。 “到时候你也需要知道,环带议会已命令我进行一项可能危及我们双方生命的实验。”
he said. "You should know then, that I have been ordered by the Ring Council to carry out an
experiment that may endanger both our lives."

Mirny was silent for a moment. "You're from Security, then?"

"My rank is captain."

"I knew it.... I knew it when those two Mechanists arrived. They were so polite, and so
“我就知道…… 那两个机械师来的时候我就知道了。 他们如此有礼貌,又如此多疑 -- 我想,如果他们不是希望贿赂或折磨我得到我的秘密,他们会立刻杀了我。 他们吓死我了,阿弗瑞尔上尉 .... 你也吓到我了。“”
suspicious -- I think they would have killed me at once if they hadn't hoped to bribe or torture
some secret out of me. They scared the life out of me, Captain Afriel.... You scare me, too."

"We live in a frightening world, Doctor. It's a matter of faction security."

"Everything's a matter of faction security with your lot," she said. "I shouldn't take you any
“一切都与你的派系安全有关,” 她说。“我不应该带你继续走下去了,也不应该给你看到更多东西。 这个虫巢,这些生物,它们并没有智能,上尉。
farther, or show you anything more. This Nest, these creatures -- they're not intelligent, Captain.
他们不能思考,不能学习。 他们是无辜的,原始而无辜。 他们不知道善恶。 他们对此一无所知。 他们最不需要的就是在光年之外的其他种族中成为权力斗争的棋子。“
They can't think, they can't learn. They're innocent, primordially innocent. They have no
knowledge of good and evil. They had no knowledge of anything. The last thing they need is to
become pawns in a power struggle within some other race, light-years away."

The tunneler had turned into an exit from the fungal chambers and was paddling slowly along
隧道虫已经从真菌室拐进了一个出口,在温暖的黑暗中慢慢地划着。 一群像灰色扁平的篮球一样的生物从相反的方向漂浮而过。 其中一个落在阿弗瑞尔身上,用脆弱的鞭状触手紧紧的抓住阿弗瑞尔的袖子。
in the warm darkness. A group of creatures like gray, flattened basketballs floated by from the
opposite direction. One of them settled on Afriel's sleeve, clinging with frail whiplike tentacles.
Afriel brushed it gently away, and it broke loose, emitting a stream of foul reddish droplets.

"Naturally I agree with you in principle, Doctor," Afriel said smoothly. "But consider these
“当然,我在原则上同意你的看法,博士,”阿弗瑞尔语气平和地说。 “但想想那些机械师。 他们中的极端派系已经超过了一半。 你期望他们有人道主义动机吗? 他们是冷酷的,博士 -- 冷酷而没有灵魂的生物,他们可以把一个活着的男男女女切成碎片,而永远不会对痛苦感同身受。 大多数其他派系都讨厌我们。 他们叫我们种族主义超人。 难道你宁愿其中一个邪教来做我们该做的事,并利用结果来对付我们吗?
Mechanists. Some of their extreme factions are already more than half machine. Do you expect
humanitarian motives from them? They're cold, Doctor -- cold and soulless creatures who can cut
a living man or woman to bits and never feel their pain. Most of the other factions hate us. They
call us racist supermen. Would you rather that one of these cults do what we must do, and use the
results against us?"

"This is double-talk." She looked away. All around them workers laden down with fungus,
“这是故意混淆概念。”她把目光移开了。 在他们周围,工蜂们的嘴里塞满了真菌,内脏里塞满了真菌,它们在虫巢一路延伸,在他们旁边疾驰,消失在各个方向的分支隧道中。 阿弗瑞尔看到了一个很像工蜂的生物,但只有六条腿,从头顶上朝相反的方向飞驰而过。 这是一种模仿寄生虫。 他想知道,一个生物进化成这样需要多长时间?“”
their jaws full and guts stuffed with it, were spreading out into the Nest, scuttling alongside them
or disappearing into branch tunnels departing in every direction, including straight up and straight
down. Afriel saw a creature much like a worker, but with only six legs, scuttle past in the
opposite direction, overhead. It was a parasite mimic. How long, he wondered, did it take a
creature to evolve to look like that?"

"It's no wonder that we've had so many defectors, back in the Rings," she said sadly. "If
“难怪我们有这么多的叛逃者,藏匿在环带里,”她悲伤地说。 “如果人类如此愚蠢,以至于像你所描述的那样陷入困境,那么最好离他们远点。 独自生活更好。 最好不要助长这种疯狂情绪的蔓延。”
humanity is so stupid as to work itself into a corner like you describe, then it's better to have
“这种谈话只会杀死我们,” 阿弗瑞尔说。 “我们应该效忠培养我们的派别。”
nothing to do with them. Better to live alone. Better not to help the madness spread."
"That kind of talk will only get us killed," Afriel said. "We owe an allegiance to the faction
that produced us."

"Tell me truly, Captain," she said. "Haven't you ever felt the urge to leave everything --
“老实告诉我,上尉,”她说。“难道你没有想过要放下一切--所有人--所有职责和约束,到别处去想一想吗? 你的整个世界,以及你在其中的角色? 我们从小就接受了如此艰苦的训练,对我们的要求也是如此之高。 你不认为这让我们不知何故忘记了自己的目标吗?“
everyone -- all your duties and constraints, and just go somewhere to think it all out? Your whole
world, and your part in it? We're trained so hard, from childhood, and so much is demanded from
us. Don't you think it's made us lose sight of our goals, somehow?"

"We live in space," Afriel said flatly. "Space is an unnatural environment, and it takes an
“我们生活在太空中,” 阿弗瑞尔坦率地说。“太空是一个不自然的环境,在那里繁荣需要不自然的人付出不自然的努力。 我们的意识是我们的工具,哲学必须排在第二位。 我当然感受到了你提到的那些冲动。 但那只是另一个需要防范的威胁。 我相信应该建立一个有秩序的社会。 技术释放了巨大的力量,正在撕裂社会。 某些派系必须从斗争中产生并整合事物。 我们重塑者有智慧和克制,可以人道地去完成这一伟业。 这就是我做这份工作的原因。“他犹豫了一下,”我不指望看到我们胜利的那一天。 我预计会死于某次冲突,或者暗杀。 我能预见到成功的那一天就足够了。“”
unnatural effort from unnatural people to prosper there. Our minds are our tools, and philosophy
has to come second. Naturally I've felt those urges you mention. They're just another threat to
guard against. I believe in an ordered society. Technology has unleashed tremendous forces that
are ripping society apart. Some one faction must arise from the struggle and integrate things. We
Shapers have the wisdom and restraint to do it humanely. That's why I do the work I do." He
hesitated. "I don't expect to see our day of triumph. I expect to die in some brush-fire conflict, or
through assassination. It's enough that I can foresee that day."

"But the arrogance of it, Captain!" she said suddenly. "The arrogance of your little life and its
“但这是多么傲慢啊,上尉!”她突然说。“你那小小生命的傲慢和它小小的牺牲! 考虑一下虫群,如果你真的想要你的人道和完美的秩序。 这里正是!
little sacrifice! Consider the Swarm, if you really want your humane and perfect order. Here it is!
这里总是温暖黑暗,气味很香,食物易得,所有东西都被无休止地完美地回收利用。 唯一失去的资源是身体的交配的和一点空气。 像这样的虫巢可以保持几十万年不变。 几十万年..几十万年的...持续下去。 不管是谁,还会在一千年后记住我们和我们的愚蠢派系?“
Where it's always warm and dark, and it smells good, and food is easy to get, and everything is
endlessly and perfectly recycled. The only resources that are ever lost are the bodies of the
mating swarms, and a little air. A Nest like this one could last unchanged for hundreds of
thousands of years. Hundreds... of thousands... of years. Who, or what, will remember us and our
stupid faction in even a thousand years?"

Afriel shook his head. "That's not a valid comparison. There is no such long view for us. In
阿弗瑞尔摇了摇头。 这不是一个可以拿来对比的情况。 我们没有这么长的视野。 再过一千年,我们将成为机器或神。“” 他摸了摸头顶,他的天鹅绒帽子不见了。 毫无疑问,现在它已经进了哪只虫子的肚子。
another thousand years we'll be machines, or gods." He felt the top of his head; his velvet cap was
gone. No doubt something was eating it by now.

The tunneler took them deeper into the asteroid's honeycombed free-fall maze. They saw the
隧道工把他们带进了小行星蜂窝状的微重力迷宫。 他们看到了蛹室,在那里苍白的幼虫被包裹在丝线里; 主真菌种植园; 墓地坑里有翼的工蜂在浓汤般的空气中不停地挥动翅膀,排出由于分解而产生的热量。 腐蚀性黑色真菌将死者的尸体分解成粗糙的黑色粉末,这些粉末再被熏黑的工虫们带走。这些工蜂很多也就死在了这些粉末里。
pupal chambers, where pallid larvae twitched in swaddled silk; the main fungal gardens; the
graveyard pits, where winged workers beat ceaselessly at the soupy air, feverishly hot from the
heat of decomposition. Corrosive black fungus ate the bodies of the dead into coarse black
powder, carried off by blackened workers themselves three-quarters dead.

Later they left the tunneler and floated on by themselves. The woman moved with the ease of
后来,他们离开了隧道虫,独自漂浮着。 女人已经对这样的情况驾轻就熟了; 阿弗瑞尔跟着她,与吱吱作响的工蜂发生了激烈的碰撞。 它们数以千计,依附在天花板、墙壁和地板上,聚集在一起,向各种能想到的角度来回奔忙。
long habit; Afriel followed her, colliding bruisingly with squeaking workers. There were
thousands of them, clinging to ceiling, walls, and floor, clustering and scurrying at every
conceivable angle.

Later still they visited the chamber of the winged princes and princesses, an echoing round
后来,他们参观了有翼的”王子“和”公主“的虫室,这是一个空荡的圆形穹顶,一些40米长的生物在悬浮在空中弯曲着腿。(译者注:这些应该是准备经过太空旅行去建立分巢的虫) 他们的身体是像是分段金属状的,胸部在本来是翅膀所在的地方,长着有机火箭喷嘴。 沿着光滑的背部折叠的像是长长扫描雷达天线吊杆。 它们看起来更像是正在建造的行星际探测器,而不是像是任何生物。 工蜂们不停地给它们喂食。 他们长着鼓起气孔的腹部充满了压缩氧气。
vault where creatures forty meters long hung crooked-legged in midair. Their bodies were
segmented and metallic, with organic rocket nozzles on their thoraxes, where wings might have
been. Folded along their sleek backs were radar antennae on long sweeping booms. They looked
more like interplanetary probes under construction than anything biological. Workers fed them
ceaselessly. Their bulging spiracled abdomens were full of compressed oxygen.

Mirny begged a large chunk of fungus from a passing worker, deftly tapping its antennae and
通过巧妙地敲击路过工蜂的触角并引发的反射动作,米尔妮向它讨要了一大块真菌,。 她把大部分真菌交给了两只跳虱,它们贪婪地吞食着真菌,并期待更多的真菌。
provoking a reflex action. She handed most of the fungus to the two springtails, which devoured
it greedily and looked expectantly for more.

Afriel tucked his legs into a free-fall lotus position and began chewing with determination on
阿弗瑞尔把腿盘成微重力下的打坐姿势,开始专心地咀嚼这种坚韧的菌类。 它有点硬,但味道很好,就像熏肉一样 -- 那是他也只曾尝过一次的美味。 烟糊的味道让他想起重塑派殖民地将面临灾难。
the leathery fungus. It was tough, but tasted good, like smoked meat -- a delicacy he had tasted
only once. The smell of smoke meant disaster in a Shaper's colony.

Mirny maintained a stony silence. "Food's no problem," Afriel said. "Where do we sleep?"
米尔妮保持着冷冰冰的沉默。 “食物没问题,” 阿弗瑞尔说。 “我们睡在哪里?”她耸耸肩。“任何地方……到处都有未使用的壁龛和隧道。 我想你接下来会想去参观女王的主巢的。“
She shrugged. "Anywhere... there are unused niches and tunnels here and there. I suppose
you'll want to see the Queen's chamber next."

"By all means."

"I'll have to get more fungus. The warriors are on guard there and have to be bribed with

She gathered an armful of fungus from another worker in the endless stream, and they moved
她从源源不断的虫流中另一个工蜂那里收集了一抱真菌,然后他们继续前进。 已经完全迷路的阿弗瑞尔在虫室和隧道的迷宫中感到更加困惑。 最后,他们进入了一个巨大的无光洞穴。整个洞穴被女王可怕的身体发出的红外线照亮。 它是群落的中央工厂。 虽然它是由温暖的肉质制成的,但这并不能掩盖其本质上是一台制造机器。 成吨的简化真菌营养糊进入了一端光滑的盲颚。 软肉的圆形波涛消化和加工它们,蠕动,吸吮,和波动,发出与机器一样响亮的搅拌声和咯咯声。 从另一端出来的是一望无际的传送带状的虫卵流,每个虫卵都装在浓稠腻滑的激素糊中。 工蜂们竭力把虫卵舔干净,然后把它们送到托儿所。 每个虫卵都有一个人的躯干那么大。
on. Afriel, already totally lost, was further confused in the maze of chambers and tunnels. At last
they exited into an immense lightless cavern, bright with infrared heat from the Queen's
monstrous body. It was the colony's central factory. The fact that it was made of warm and pulpy
flesh did not conceal its essentially industrial nature. Tons of predigested fungal pap went into the
slick blind jaws at one end. The rounded billows of soft flesh digested and processed it,
squirming, sucking, and undulating, with loud machinelike churnings and gurglings. Out of the
other end came an endless conveyorlike blobbed stream of eggs, each one packed in a thick
hormonal paste of lubrication. The workers avidly licked the eggs clean and bore them off to
nurseries. Each egg was the size of a man's torso.

The process went on and on. There was no day or night here in the lightless center of the
这个过程一直在继续。 在这颗光线照不进来的小行星中心,没有白天或黑夜。 这些生物的基因中没有残留的昼夜节律。 生产流程是恒定的,甚至与自动化矿山的工作一样。
asteroid. There was no remnant of a diurnal rhythm in the genes of these creatures. The flow of
production was as constant and even as the working of an automated mine.

"This is why I'm here," Afriel murmured in awe. "Just look at this, Doctor. The Mechanists
“这就是我来这里的原因,”阿弗瑞尔敬畏地喃喃说道。“”看看这个,医生。 机械派拥有比我们领先几代的赛博采矿机械。 但是,在这个无名的小世界里,有一种基因技术,可以自我喂养、自我维护、自我运行,高效、无休止、无意识地运行。 这是完美的有机工具。 哪个派系能利用这些不知疲倦的工人,哪个派系就能称为工业泰坦。 而我们的生物化学知识是无与伦比的。 我们重塑派正适合承担这一使命。”
have cybernetic mining machinery that is generations ahead of ours. But here -- in the bowels of
this nameless little world, is a genetic technology that feeds itself, maintains itself, runs itself,
efficiently, endlessly, mindlessly. It's the perfect organic tool. The faction that could use these
tireless workers could make itself an industrial titan. And our knowledge of biochemistry is
unsurpassed. We Shapers are just the ones to do it."

"How do you propose to do that?" Mirny asked with open skepticism. "You would have to
“你打算怎么做?”米尔妮持怀疑态度。 “你需要将受精后的虫后一路运送到太阳系。 投资者不会允许我们这样做,即使会允许我们也负担不起费用。
ship a fertilized queen all the way to the solar system. We could scarcely afford that, even if the
Investors would let us, which they wouldn't."

"I don't need an entire Nest," Afriel said patiently. "I only need the genetic information from
“我不需要整个虫巢,” 阿弗瑞尔耐心地说。 “我只需要一个虫卵的基因信息。 我们在环带的实验室可以会克隆出无数的工虫 工蜂。
one egg. Our laboratories back in the Rings could clone endless numbers of workers."
“但是没有虫巢的信息素,工蜂们毫无用处。 它们需要化学信息素来触发它们的行为模式。“”
"But the workers are useless without the Nest's pheromones. They need chemical cues to
trigger their behavior modes."

"Exactly," Afriel said. "As it so happens, I possess those pheromones, synthesized and
“完全正确,”阿弗瑞尔说。“碰巧的是,我拥有那些合成和浓缩的信息素。 我现在必须要做的是测试它们。 我必须证明我可以利用它们让工蜂们做我安排的事情。 一旦我证明了这是可行的,我就被授权将必要的基因信息走私回环带。 投资者不会同意的。 当然,这涉及到道义问题,投资者的基因技术并不先进。 但我们可以用我们赚到的利润赢回他们的认可。 最重要的是,我们可以在机械派自己的工业游戏中击败他们。“
concentrated. What I must do now is test them. I must prove that I can use them to make the
workers do what I choose. Once I've proven it's possible, I'm authorized to smuggle the genetic
information necessary back to the Rings. The Investors won't approve. There are, of course,
moral questions involved, and the Investors are not genetically advanced. But we can win their
approval back with the profits we make. Best of all, we can beat the Mechanists at their own

"You've carried the pheromones here?" Mirny said. "Didn't the Investors suspect something
“你把信息素带到这里了?”米尔妮说。 “投资者发现它们的时候没有怀疑到什么吗?”
when they found them?"

"Now it's you who has made an error," Afriel said calmly. "You assume that the Investors are
“现在是你犯了一个错误,” 阿弗瑞尔平静地说。 “你认为投资者是绝不会犯错的。 你错了。 一个没有好奇心的种族永远不会像我们重塑者那样探索每一种可能性。“ 阿弗瑞尔拉起裤子袖口,伸出右腿。 “注意我小腿上的静脉曲张。 在长期在微重力环境中的人,这种循环问题很常见。 然而,这条静脉已被人为阻断并进行了防透析处理。 静脉内有10个不同的转基因细菌菌落,每个菌落都是专门培育出来的,以产生不同的群体信息素。
infallible. You are wrong. A race without curiosity will never explore every possibility, the way
we Shapers did." Afriel pulled up his pants cuff and extended his right leg. "Consider this
varicose vein along my shin. Circulatory problems of this sort are common among those who
spend a lot of time in free-fall. This vein, however, has been blocked artificially and treated to
reduce osmosis. Within the vein are ten separate colonies of genetically altered bacteria, each one
specially bred to produce a different Swarm pheromone."

He smiled. "The Investors searched me very thoroughly, including X-rays. But the vein
他笑了。 “投资者对我进行了彻底的搜查,包括X光检查。 但在X光下,静脉看起来是正常的,细菌被困在静脉的隔间里。 它们是无法检测到的。 我身上有一个小的医疗包。 它包括一个注射器。 我们可以用它来提取信息素并测试它们。 当测试结束时 —— 我相信它们会成功的,事实上我已经把我的职业生涯押在这上面了 —— 我们可以清空静脉和所有的腔室。
appears normal to X-rays, and the bacteria are trapped within compartments in the vein. They are
而细菌一接触空气就会死亡。 我们可以用发育中的胚胎卵黄填充静脉。 这些卵黄细胞可能会在返回途中存活下来,但即使它们死亡,它们也不会在我体内腐烂。 它们永远不会接触到任何腐烂物质,遗传物质会很好的保存下来。 回到环带中,我们可以学习激活和抑制不同的基因,就像自然界里一样来产生不同的虫族。
indetectable. I have a small medical kit on my person. It includes a syringe. We can use it to
如果需要的话,我们将有数百万的工蜂和兵蜂,甚至可能有用经过改造的成虫制成的有机火箭。 如果这行得通,你觉得我和我傲慢的小小生命和小小牺牲会被人记起吗,嗯? "
extract the pheromones and test them. When the tests are finished -- and I feel sure they will be
successful, in fact I've staked my career on it -- we can empty the vein and all its compartments.
The bacteria will die on contact with air. We can refill the vein with the yolk from a developing
embryo. The cells may survive during the trip back, but even if they die, they can't rot inside my
body. They'll never come in contact with any agent of decay. Back in the Rings, we can learn to
activate and suppress different genes to produce the different castes, just as is done in nature.
We'll have millions of workers, armies of warriors if need be, perhaps even organic rocketships,
grown from altered alates. If this works, who do you think will remember me then, eh? Me and
my arrogant little life and little sacrifice?"

She stared at him; even the bulky goggles could not hide her new respect and even fear. "You
她盯着他看;即使是笨重的夜视镜也无法掩饰她产生的敬畏。 “那么,你真的想这么做了吗?”
really mean to do it, then."

"I made the sacrifice of my time and energy. I expect results, Doctor."

"But it's kidnapping. You're talking about breeding a slave race."

Afriel shrugged, with contempt. "You're juggling words, Doctor. I'll cause this colony no
阿弗瑞尔轻蔑地耸了耸肩。“你在玩弄文字游戏,博士。 我不会伤害这个群落。 我可能会让工蜂服从我的化学指令,同时偷走它们一点点的劳动力,但这一小小的盗窃它们不会在意。 我承认谋杀了一个虫卵,但这和人类堕胎一样不是犯罪。 盗窃一点遗传物质可以称为 “绑架” 吗? 我想不是。 至于奴隶种族这一可耻的想法 -- 我完全反对。 这些生物是基因机器人。 它们和我们使用的激光钻机或货轮是一样的。 在最坏的情况下,它们将是我们的家畜。
harm. I may steal some of its workers' labor while they obey my own chemical orders, but that
tiny theft won't be missed. I admit to the murder of one egg, but that is no more a crime than a
human abortion. Can the theft of one strand of genetic material be called 'kidnapping'? I think
not. As for the scandalous idea of a slave race -- I reject it out of hand. These creatures are
genetic robots. They will no more be slaves than are laser drills or cargo tankers. At the very
worst, they will be our domestic animals."

Mirny considered the issue. It did not take her long. "It's true. It's not as if a common worker
米尔妮考虑一下这个问题。 不久她说到,“是的。 它们不像是普通工人会凝视着星星,渴望他的自由。 它们只是无脑的绝育者。”
will be staring at the stars, pining for its freedom. They're just brainless neuters."

"Exactly, Doctor."

"They simply work. Whether they work for us or the Swarm makes no difference to them."

"I see that you've seized on the beauty of the idea."

"And if it worked," Mirny said, "if it worked, our faction would profit astronomically."
“如果成功了,”米尔妮说,“如果成功了,我们的派系将获的极大的利益。”阿弗瑞尔真诚地笑了,没有意识到他表情中的冷嘲。 “还有个人利益,博士……这一宝贵知识是属于首个开发这项技术的人的。”他轻声细语地说着。“你见过泰坦星上的氮雪吗? 我认为那里有一个自己的领地 -- 比以前任何其它领地的都大得,大得多…… 一个真正的城市,吉琳娜,一个领主可以废除所有让他恼怒的规则和纪律的地方....“”
Afriel smiled genuinely, unaware of the chilling sarcasm of his expression. "And the personal
profit, Doctor... the valuable expertise of the first to exploit the technique." He spoke gently,
quietly. "Ever see a nitrogen snowfall on Titan? I think a habitat of one's own there -- larger,
much larger than anything possible before.... A genuine city, Galina, a place where a man can
scrap the rules and discipline that madden him...."

"Now it's you who are talking defection, Captain-Doctor."

Afriel was silent for a moment, then smiled with an effort. "Now you've ruined my perfect
阿弗瑞尔沉默了一会儿,然后努力地笑了。“好吧,现在你打断了我的完美遐想,” 他说。 “此外,我所描述的是一个富有的人来之不易的退休生活,而不是一些自我放纵的隐士……这两者有着明显的区别。”他犹豫了一下。“在任何情况下,我是否可以断定你和我一起参与这个项目?”
reverie," he said. "Besides, what I was describing was the well-earned retirement of a wealthy
man, not some self-indulgent hermitage... there's a clear difference." He hesitated. "In any case,
may I conclude that you're with me in this project?"

She laughed and touched his arm. There was something uncanny about the small sound of her
她笑了,摸了摸他的胳膊。 她的笑声有点琢磨不透,接着被女王可怕的肠道发出的巨大生物隆隆声淹没了。。。。 “你认为我会在以后的两年里花时间来抵制你的观点吗? 最好我现在让步,避免摩擦。”
laugh, drowned by a great organic rumble from the Queen's monstrous intestines.... "Do you
expect me to resist your arguments for two long years? Better that I give in now and save us


"After all, you won't do any harm to the Nest. They'll never know anything has happened. And
“毕竟,你不会对虫巢造成任何伤害。 它们永远不会知道发生了什么事。 如果他们的基因生产线在返回后成功繁殖,人类就再也没有理由去打扰它们了。
if their genetic line is successfully reproduced back home, there'll never be any reason for
humanity to bother them again."

"True enough," said Afriel, though in the back of his mind he instantly thought of the fabulous
“完全正确,” 阿弗瑞尔说,尽管在他的脑海中,他立即想到了参宿四小行星系统的惊人财富。 总有一天,人类将真正地集体走向群星,这是不可避免的。 了解每一个可能成为竞争对手种族的来龙去脉将很有必要。
wealth of Betelgeuse's asteroid system. A day would come, inevitably, when humanity would
move to the stars en masse, in earnest. It would be well to know the ins and outs of every race
that might become a rival.

"I'll help you as best I can," she said. There was a moment's silence. "Have you seen enough
她说: “我会尽力帮助你。” 沉默了片刻后。“这个地区你看够了吗?”
of this area?"

"Yes." They left the Queen's chamber.

"I didn't think I'd like you at first," she said candidly. "I think I like you better now. You seem
“起初我认为我不会喜欢你。”她坦率地说。“我想我现在开始喜欢你了。 你似乎有一种幽默感,这是大多数防卫人员所缺乏的。“”
to have a sense of humor that most Security people lack."

"It's not a sense of humor," Afriel said sadly. "It's a sense of irony disguised as one."
There were no days in the unending stream of hours that followed. There were only ragged
在接下来难熬的时间里,已经没有了天的概念。 只有杂乱的偶尔睡觉时间,一开始他们分开行动,后来又在一起,如果在自由落体中拉住对方。 性接触中皮肤和身体的感觉成为了他们共有人性的纽带。这是一种分裂、破损的人性,让人感觉如此之远,以至于这个概念似乎都不再有任何意义。 生活在温暖拥挤的隧道里随波逐流;他们两个就像血液中的细菌,随着脉动的潮起潮落不停地移动。 几个月之后,时间本身也变得毫无意义。
periods of sleep, apart at first, later together, as they held each other in free-fall. The sexual feel
of skin and body became an anchor to their common humanity, a divided, frayed humanity so
many light-years away that the concept no longer had any meaning. Life in the warm and
swarming tunnels was the here and now; the two of them were like germs in a bloodstream,
moving ceaselessly with the pulsing ebb and flow. Hours stretched into months, and time itself
grew meaningless.

The pheromonal tests were complex, but not impossibly difficult. The first of the ten
信息素测试是复杂的,但并非一筹莫展。 十种信息素中的第一种是简单的分组刺激,当化学物质从一个触点传播到另一个触点时,可以导致大量工蜂聚集在一起。 然后,工蜂会等待进一步指示; 如果没有,工蜂就会再分散开。 为了有效地工作,信息素必须像计算机指令一样以混合或顺序的方式释放;例如一号,分组信息素,可以与三号信息素一起使用,这是一种运输指令,它会使工蜂清空给定的虫室,并将其功能转移到另一个虫室。 九号信息素具有最佳的工业可能性;它是一种建筑指令,促使工蜂聚集起隧道虫和挖掘虫,让他们开始工作。 其它信息素则很让人困扰; 十号信息素激起了梳理行为,工蜂毛茸茸的手掌剥光了阿弗瑞尔衣服的所有剩余碎布。 八号信息素让工蜂去收集小行星表面的材料,为了观察其影响,他们两个差点被困在太空中。
pheromones was a simple grouping stimulus, causing large numbers of workers to gather as the
chemical was spread from palp to palp. The workers then waited for further instructions; if none
were forthcoming, they dispersed. To work effectively, the pheromones had to be given in a mix,
or series, like computer commands; number one, grouping, for instance, together with the third
pheromone, a transferral order, which caused the workers to empty any given chamber and move
its effects to another. The ninth pheromone had the best industrial possibilities; it was a building
order, causing the workers to gather tunnelers and dredgers and set them to work. Others were
annoying; the tenth pheromone provoked grooming behavior, and the workers' furry palps
stripped off the remaining rags of Afriel's clothing. The eighth pheromone sent the workers off to
harvest material on the asteroid's surface, and in their eagerness to observe its effects the two
explorers were almost trapped and swept off into space.

The two of them no longer feared the warrior caste. They knew that a dose of the sixth
他们两个不再害怕兵蜂。 他们发现六号信息素会让它们和工蜂一样都会急忙去保卫虫卵。 米尔妮和阿弗瑞尔利用这一点来保护自己的房间。这些房间由被化学劫持的工蜂挖掘,并由被劫持的气闸守卫虫进行保护。 他们有自己的真菌种植园来净化空气,种植他们最喜欢的真菌,并由一只他们一直控制的工蜂消化,以供应他们食物。 由于终日暴食和缺乏运动,这只工蜂已经胖鼓鼓的,像一颗巨大的葡萄悬挂在墙上。
pheromone would send them scurrying off to defend the eggs, just as it sent the workers to tend
them. Mirny and Afriel took advantage of this and secured their own chambers, dug by
chemically hijacked workers and defended by a hijacked airlock guardian. They had their own
fungal gardens to refresh the air, stocked with the fungus they liked best, and digested by a
worker they kept drugged for their own food use. From constant stuffing and lack of exercise the
worker had swollen up into its replete form and hung from one wall like a monstrous grape.

Afriel was tired. He had been without sleep recently for a long time; how long, he didn't
阿弗瑞尔累了。 他最近很久没睡了,多久了,他也不知道。 他的身体节律没有像米尔妮那样调整好,他很容易出现抑郁和烦躁的情绪,还不得不努力抑制这种情绪。 “投资者不知道什么时候会回来。”他说,“应该很快了。”
know. His body rhythms had not adjusted as well as Mirny's, and he was prone to fits of
depression and irritability that he had to repress with an effort. "The Investors will be back
sometime," he said. "Sometime soon."

Mirny was indifferent. "The Investors," she said, and followed the remark with something in
米尔妮对此漠不关心。“投资者……”她说,然后用跳虱的语言跟在后面,但他没有听清楚。 尽管阿弗瑞尔也接受过语言训练,但在使用跳虱那音调尖利的俗语方面,一直没有跟上她的步伐。 他的训练似乎反而是一种负担。跳虱的语言已经退化了很多,以至于它是一种混杂语音,缺少规律。 他所知道的可以给它们下达简单的命令,由于他对兵蜂的部分控制力,使他对跳虱有一定的威慑影响。 跳虱们害怕他,被米尔妮驯服的两只跳虱幼崽已经长的胖乎乎的,像体型超标的暴君,随时还恐吓它们的长辈。
the language of the springtails, which he didn't catch. Despite his linguistic training, Afriel had
阿弗瑞尔太忙了,无法抽空认真的研究跳虱或其它共生体。 手头的现实问题实在太多了。
never caught up with her in her use of the springtails' grating jargon. His training was almost a
liability; the springtail language had decayed so much that it was a pidgin tongue, without rules
or regularity. He knew enough to give them simple orders, and with his partial control of the
warriors he had the power to back it up. The springtails were afraid of him, and the two juveniles
that Mirny had tamed had developed into fat, overgrown tyrants that freely terrorized their elders.
Afriel had been too busy to seriously study the springtails or the other symbiotes. There were too
many practical matters at hand.

"If they come too soon, I won't be able to finish my latest study," she said in English.
Afriel pulled off his infrared goggles and knotted them tightly around his neck. "There's a
阿弗瑞尔脱下他的红外夜视镜,将它们紧紧地扣在脖子上。 “吉琳娜,要有所取舍,”他打着哈欠说。“没有设备,你只能记住这么多数据。 我们只能静静地等着,直到我们能回去。 我希望投资者看到我时不会感到震惊。 那身衣服让我损失了一大笔钱。“”
limit, Galina," he said, yawning. "You can only memorize so much data without equipment. We'll
just have to wait quietly until we can get back. I hope the Investors aren't shocked when they see
me. I lost a fortune with those clothes."

"It's been so dull since the mating swarm was launched. If it weren't for the new growth in the
“自从分巢的新虫群出发以后,虫巢就变得如此乏味。 如果没有候飞室里的新情况,我会无聊死的。” 她用双手把油腻的头发从脸上拨开。“你要睡了吗?”
alates' chamber, I'd be bored to death." She pushed greasy hair from her face with both hands.
"Are you going to sleep?"

"Yes, if I can."

"You won't come with me? I keep telling you that this new growth is important. I think it's a
“你不和我一起去吗? 我一直告诉你,那里有个新成长的虫子很重要。 我认为这是一种新的个体类型。 这绝对不是一个普通成虫。 它的眼睛像一只成虫,但却紧贴着墙壁生长。“
new caste. It's definitely not an alate. It has eyes like an alate, but it's clinging to the wall."
“那么,它可能根本不是一个蜂群成员,” 他实在太疲倦了,开玩笑地对她说。“它可能是一种寄生虫,一种拟态动物。 如果你想去的话,自己去看看吧。 我会等你。“
"It's probably not a Swarm member at all, then," he said tiredly, humoring her. "It's probably a
parasite, an alate mimic. Go on and see it, if you want to. I'll be waiting for you."

He heard her leave. Without his infrareds on, the darkness was still not quite total; there was a
一会儿他听见了米尔妮离开的声音。 就算没有他自己发出的红外线,这里也不是完全的黑暗;上面虫室里正生长着冒着热气的真菌,在发出微弱的光。 吃饱了的工蜂在墙上悉悉索索地轻轻移动,。 他睡着了。
very faint luminosity from the steaming, growing fungus in the chamber beyond. The stuffed
worker replete moved slightly on the wall, rustling and gurgling. He fell asleep.

When he awoke, Mirny had not yet returned. He was not alarmed. First, he visited the original
当他醒来时,米尔妮还没有回来。 他并没有感到惊慌。 首先,他去了投资者首次丢下他的气闸隧道。 其实大可不必担心 —— 投资者总是履行他们的合同 —— 但他担心投资到达的那天,会比较不耐烦,没有耐心等他。 当然,他要让投资者稍微等一下。 米尔妮可以让投资者短时间内耽误一会儿,同时他要赶紧去产卵室并取到发育中的活体卵细胞。 虫卵最好尽量新鲜。
airlock tunnel, where the Investors had first left him. It was irrational -- the Investors always
fulfilled their contracts -- but he feared that they would arrive someday, become impatient, and
leave without him. The Investors would have to wait, of course. Mirny could keep them occupied
in the short time it would take him to hurry to the nursery and rob a developing egg of its living
cells. It was best that the egg be as fresh as possible.

Later he ate. He was munching fungus in one of the anterior chambers when Mirny's two
再次策划好后他开始去找些吃的。 当米尔妮的两只被驯服的跳虱发现他时,他正在一个前室里咀嚼真菌。 “你们想要什么?”他用它们的语言问道。
tamed springtails found him. "What do you want?" he asked in their language.

"Food-giver no good," the larger one screeched, waving its forelegs in brainless agitation.

"Not work, not sleep."

"Not move," the second one said. It added hopefully, "Eat it now?"
“不动,” 第二只说道。 它还贪吃的补充道,“现在吃?”

Afriel gave them some of his food. They ate it, seemingly more out of habit than real appetite,
阿弗瑞尔给了它们一些食物。 它们立刻吃了起来,但似乎更多的是出于习惯而非真正的胃口,这让他感到震惊。
which alarmed him.

"Take me to her," he told them.

The two springtails scurried off; he followed them easily, adroitly dodging and weaving
两只跳虱飞走了。他轻快地跟随者它们,巧妙地躲避交织在工蜂群中。 它们通过隧道网络把他带到了几英里外的候飞室。 在那里,它们停了下来,感到困惑。“不见了,”大点那个说。
through the crowds of workers. They led him several miles through the network, to the alates'
chamber. There they stopped, confused. "Gone," the large one said.

The chamber was empty. Afriel had never seen it empty before, and it was very unusual for
这里是空的。 阿弗瑞尔以前从未见过它是空的,而蜂群闲置这么多空间是非常罕见的。 他感到害怕。“跟着送食物的人走,”他说。“跟着气味走。”
the Swarm to waste so much space. He felt dread. "Follow the food-giver," he said. "Follow the

The springtails snuffled without much enthusiasm along one wall; they knew he had no food
没有太多热情的跳虱沿着墙嗅着鼻子。它们知道阿芙丽尔现在没有食物,也不愿做任何没有立即奖励的事情。 最后,其中一只闻到了气味,或者假装闻到了,然后顺着气味穿过天花板,进入了隧道口。
and were reluctant to do anything without an immediate reward. At last one of them picked up
在废弃的虫室里,因为没有足够的红外线热量,阿弗瑞尔很难看到太多东西;。 他跟着跳虱向上跳起。
the scent, or pretended to, and followed it up across the ceiling and into the mouth of a tunnel.
It was hard for Afriel to see much in the abandoned chamber; there was not enough infrared
heat. He leapt upward after the springtail.

He heard the roar of a warrior and the springtail's choked-off screech. It came flying from the
突然他听到兵蜂的咆哮和跳虱的哽咽尖叫。 跳虱从隧道口里飞出来,从破裂的头部喷出凝结的液体。 跳虱不停翻滚,最后嘎吱一声撞到远处的墙上,身体已经松软。 它已经死了。
tunnel's mouth, a spray of clotted fluid bursting from its ruptured head. It tumbled end over end
until it hit the far wall with a flaccid crunch. It was already dead.

The second springtail fled at once, screeching with grief and terror. Afriel landed on the lip of
第二只跳虱立刻带着悲伤和恐惧尖叫着逃走了。 阿弗瑞尔降落在隧道的边缘,双腿缓冲,蹲伏下来。 他能闻到战士愤怒的刺鼻气味,这是一种很浓的信息素,甚至人类都能闻到。 数十名其他兵蜂会在几分钟或几秒钟内聚集在这里。 在愤怒的兵蜂后面,他可以听到工蜂和隧道虫在搬运和黏合岩石。
the tunnel, sinking into a crouch as his legs soaked up momentum. He could smell the acrid
stench of the warrior's anger, a pheromone so thick that even a human could scent it. Dozens of
other warriors would group here within minutes, or seconds. Behind the enraged warrior he could
hear workers and tunnelers shifting and cementing rock.

He might be able to control one enraged warrior, but never two, or twenty. He launched
他也许能控制一个愤怒的兵蜂,但决不能控制两个甚至二十个。 他从虫室的墙上跳起,从出口退了出来。
himself from the chamber wall and out an exit.

He searched for the other springtail -- he felt sure he could recognize it, since it was so much
接着他尝试搜寻刚刚逃走的跳虱 -- 他确信自己能认出它,因为它比其他跳虱大得多 -- 但他找不到它。 凭借敏锐的嗅觉,如果那个跳虱想避开他的话,它可以很容易地避开他。
bigger than the others -- but he could not find it. With its keen sense of smell, it could easily
avoid him if it wanted to.

Mirny did not return. Uncountable hours passed. He slept again. He returned to the alates'
米尔妮也没有回来。 数小时过去了。 他又睡着了。 他回到了候飞室,那里有几名兵蜂在守卫着,是一些对食物不感兴趣的兵蜂。当他走近时,它们挥舞着巨大的锯齿状尖牙, 看起来准备把他撕成碎片; 攻击性信息素的微弱臭气像雾一样笼罩在这个地方。 他没有在兵蜂的身体上看到任何共生生物。 有一种物种,就像一只巨大的扁虱,只依附于兵蜂身上,但就连扁虱也消失了。
chamber; there were warriors on guard there, warriors that were not interested in food and
brandished their immense serrated fangs when he approached. They looked ready to rip him
apart; the faint reek of aggressive pheromones hung about the place like a fog. He did not see any
symbiotes of any kind on the warriors' bodies. There was one species, a thing like a huge tick,
that clung only to warriors, but even the ticks were gone.

He returned to his chambers to wait and think. Mirny's body was not in the garbage pits. Of
他回到自己的房间等待和思考。 米尔妮的尸体不在垃圾坑里。 当然,也有可能是别的什么东西把她吃掉了。 他是否应该从静脉中提取一些剩余的信息素,并尝试闯入候飞室? 他怀疑米尔妮或她留下的任何东西,就在跳虱被杀的隧道里的某个地方。 他自己从未探索过这条隧道。 还有成千上万条隧道他还从未探索过。
course, it was possible that something else might have eaten her. Should he extract the remaining
pheromone from the spaces in his vein and try to break into the alates' chamber? He suspected
that Mirny, or whatever was left of her, was somewhere in the tunnel where the springtail had
been killed. He had never explored the tunnel himself. There were thousands of tunnels he had
never explored.

He felt paralyzed by indecision and fear. If he was quiet, if he did nothing, the Investors might
他因犹豫不决和恐惧而感到无力。 他是否可以保持沉默,他是否可以什么都不做,反正投资者随时可能会来。 他可以告诉环带委员会任何他编造的关于米尔妮之死的事情; 如果他有遗传基因,没有人会吹毛求疵。 他不爱她;他尊重她,但还不足以为此放弃自己的生命,也不足以放弃自己派别的投资。 他很久没有想到过环带议会了,这一想法让他清醒了下来。 他将不得不向别人解释他此刻的决定 ....
arrive at any moment. He could tell the Ring Council anything he wanted about Mirny's death; if
然而这时他听到房间活体气闸自动放气,空气嗖嗖作响的声音。 三个兵蜂为他而来。 它们身上没有愤怒的味道。 它们缓慢而小心地移动着。 他知道不该试图抵抗。 其中一只兵蜂轻轻的用巨大下巴抓住他,把他带走。
he had the genetics with him, no one would quibble. He did not love her; he respected her, but
not enough to give up his life, or his faction's investment. He had not thought of the Ring Council
in a long time, and the thought sobered him. He would have to explain his decision....
He was still in a brown study when he heard a whoosh of air as his living airlock deflated
itself. Three warriors had come for him. There was no reek of anger about them. They moved
slowly and carefully. He knew better than to try to resist. One of them seized him gently in its
massive jaws and carried him off.

It took him to the alates' chamber and into the guarded tunnel. A new, large chamber had been
兵蜂把他带到了候飞室,进入了曾被看守的隧道。 在隧道的尽头挖出了一个新的大虫室。 它几乎被一团黑色斑点的白色肉块填满了。 在这团柔软的斑点中间,有一张嘴和两只长在茎杆上的潮湿、闪闪发光的眼睛。 在眼睛上方的脊皱丛生着长长的卷须,像导管一样摇晃着,扭动着。
excavated at the end of the tunnel. It was filled almost to bursting by a black-spattered white
mass of flesh. In the center of the soft speckled mass were a mouth and two damp, shining eyes,
on stalks. Long tendrils like conduits dangled, writhing, from a clumped ridge above the eyes.
The tendrils ended in pink, fleshy pluglike clumps.

  One of the tendrils had been thrust through Mirny's skull. Her body hung in midair, limp as
  而米尔妮正被其中一根卷须穿过头骨。 她的身体悬在半空中,软弱无力,像融化的蜜蜡。 她的眼睛是睁着的,但是完全一副空洞的状态。
wax. Her eyes were open, but blind.

  Another tendril was plugged into the braincase of a mutated worker. The worker still had the
  另一根卷须插在一只变异工蜂的脑壳上。 这只工蜂仍然有着幼虫般的苍白色彩;它已经萎缩变形,嘴巴看起来像人类的嘴巴。 嘴里有一个像舌头一样的点,还有像人类牙齿一样的白色突起。 它没有眼睛。
pallid tinge of a larva; it was shrunken and deformed, and its mouth had the wrinkled look of a
human mouth. There was a blob like a tongue in the mouth, and white ridges like human teeth. It
had no eyes.

It spoke with Mirny's voice. "Captain-Doctor Afriel..."


"I have no such name. You may address me as Swarm."

  Afriel vomited. The central mass was an immense head. Its brain almost filled the room.
  阿弗瑞尔吐了。 在中央的这个巨物是一个巨大的头。 它的大脑几乎填满了整个房间。
  It waited politely until Afriel had finished.

  "I find myself awakened again," Swarm said dreamily. "I am pleased to see that there is no
  “我发现自己又被唤醒了,” 虫群声音显得有点朦胧。“我很高兴看到的不是什么让我担心的重大紧急情况。 相反,这是一种几乎已成为例行公事的威胁。“它微妙地犹豫了一下。 米尔妮的身体在半空中微微移动;她的呼吸异常规律。
major emergency to concern me. Instead it is a threat that has become almost routine." It
hesitated delicately. Mirny's body moved slightly in midair; her breathing was inhumanly regular.
The eyes opened and closed. "Another young race."

"What are you?"

  "I am the Swarm. That is, I am one of its castes. I am a tool, an adaptation; my specialty is
  “我就是虫群。 也可以说,我是它的分工阶级之一。 我是一种工具,一种适应;我的专长是智能。 我不是经常需要的那类阶级。 再次被需要是很好的。"
intelligence. I am not often needed. It is good to be needed again."

  "Have you been here all along? Why didn't you greet us? We'd have dealt with you. We meant
  “你一直都在这里吗? 你为什么不跟我们打招呼? 我们会和你友好共处的。 我们没有恶意。“”
no harm."

  The wet mouth on the end of the plug made laughing sounds. "Like yourself, I enjoy irony," it
  插管一端湿润的嘴巴发出了笑声。 “像你一样,我喜欢意外的笑料,”她说。 “你发现自己掉进了一个很漂亮的陷阱,上尉-博士。 你想要让虫群为你和你的种族工作。 你想要培育我们,研究我们,利用我们。 这是一个极好的计划,但早在你们种族进化之前,我们就已经想到了这个计划。
said. "It is a pretty trap you have found yourself in, Captain-Doctor. You meant to make the
Swarm work for you and your race. You meant to breed us and study us and use us. It is an
excellent plan, but one we hit upon long before your race evolved."

Stung by panic, Afriel's mind raced frantically. "You're an intelligent being," he said. "There's
被恐惧刺痛的阿弗瑞尔开始意志慌乱。 “你是一个智慧生物,” 阿弗瑞尔说。“没有理由要伤害我们。 让我们一起谈谈。 我们甚至可以给你提供帮助。“
no reason to do us any harm. Let us talk together. We can help you."

  "Yes," Swarm agreed. "You will be helpful. Your companion's memories tell me that this is
  “是的。” 虫群同意。“你们会有所帮助的。 你同伴的记忆告诉我,这是一个令人不安的时期,当前银河系的智慧生物盛行。 智能是一个很大的麻烦。 这给我们带来了各种各样的麻烦。"
one of those uncomfortable periods when galactic intelligence is rife. Intelligence is a great
bother. It makes all kinds of trouble for us."

"What do you mean?"

  "You are a young race and lay great stock by your own cleverness," Swarm said. "As usual,
  “你们是年轻的种族,非常看重自己的聪明才智,”虫群说。 “一般你看不到智力并不是一种求生特征。”
you fail to see that intelligence is not a survival trait."

  Afriel wiped sweat from his face. "We've done well," he said. "We came to you, and
  阿弗瑞尔擦去脸上的汗水。“我们做得很好,”他说。 “我们上门来找你,而且是和平的。而你没有来找我们。”
peacefully. You didn't come to us."

  "I refer to exactly that," Swarm said urbanely. "This urge to expand, to explore, to develop, is
  “确切地说我指的是,” 虫群从容不迫地说。“这种扩大,探索,发展的冲动正是使你们灭绝的原因。 你们天真地认为你可以持续无限期地满足你们的好奇心。 这是一个古老的谎言,在你们之前的无数种族都在追逐它。 一千年之内-也许更长一点...你们的物种就会消失。"
just what will make you extinct. You naively suppose that you can continue to feed your curiosity
indefinitely. It is an old story, pursued by countless races before you. Within a thousand years --
perhaps a little longer... your species will vanish."

"You intend to destroy us, then? I warn you it will not be an easy task--"

  "Again you miss the point. Knowledge is power! Do you suppose that fragile little form of
  “你又一次没有抓住重点。 所谓知识就是力量! 你认为你们那脆弱的小身体 —— 你们原始的双腿,可笑的胳膊和手,小小的、几乎没有皱纹的大脑 —— 能容纳所有知识的力量吗? 当然做不到! 在你们自己的知识影响下,你们的种族已经变得支离破碎。 原始的人类形态正在变得不合时宜。 你们自己的基因已经被改变了,而你,上尉-博士,是一个原始的实验。 一百年后你们将成为过去。 一千年后,你们甚至都不会被记起。 你们的种族将和上千个其它种族一样走上同样的道路。
yours -- your primitive legs, your ludicrous arms and hands, your tiny, scarcely wrinkled brain --
can contain all that power? Certainly not! Already your race is flying to pieces under the impact
of your own expertise. The original human form is becoming obsolete. Your own genes have
been altered, and you, Captain-Doctor, are a crude experiment. In a hundred years you will be a
relic. In a thousand years you will not even be a memory. Your race will go the same way as a
thousand others."

"And what way is that?"

  "I do not know." The thing on the end of the Swarm's arm made a chuckling sound. "They
  “我不知道。”蜂群触须末端的东西发出咯咯的笑声。 “他们已经超越了我的认知。 他们都发现了一些东西,学到了一些东西,这让他们超出了我的理解。 可能他们甚至超越了现有的存在。 无论如何,我感觉不到他们的存在。 他们似乎什么都不做,他们似乎什么都不干预;无论出于何种意图和目的,他们似乎都死了。 消失了。 他们可能变成了神,或者鬼魂。 无论是哪种情况,我都不想加入他们的行列。
have passed beyond my ken. They have all discovered something, learned something, that has
caused them to transcend my understanding. It may be that they even transcend being. At any
rate, I cannot sense their presence anywhere. They seem to do nothing, they seem to interfere in
nothing; for all intents and purposes, they seem to be dead. Vanished. They may have become
gods, or ghosts. In either case, I have no wish to join them."

"So then -- so then you have--"
“那么 -- 那么你有 --

  "Intelligence is very much a two-edged sword, Captain-Doctor. It is useful only up to a point.
  “智慧是一把双刃剑,上尉-博士。 它只在一定程度上有用。
It interferes with the business of living. Life, and intelligence, do not mix very well. They are not
它干扰了生活事务。 生命和智慧并不能很好地融合在一起。 你可以简单的认为它们根本没有密切的关系。”
at all closely related, as you childishly assume."

"But you, then -- you are a rational being--"

"I am a tool, as I said." The mutated device on the end of its arm made a sighing noise. "When
“正如我所说,我只是一个工具。”它触须末端的变异装置发出了叹息的声音。 “当你开始你的信息素实验时,产生的化学失衡对女王来说是显而易见的。
you began your pheromonal experiments, the chemical imbalance became apparent to the Queen.
它触发了她体内的某些遗传模式,接着我就重生了。 化学信息素捣乱是一种最好由智能来处理的问题。 你看,我是特化了大脑,被特别设计成比任何其它年轻种族都聪明得多。 诞生三天后,我有了自我意识。 五天后,我就破译了我身上的这些标记。 它们是我种族的基因编码史。 在五天零两个小时后,我意识到了手头的问题,并知道该怎么办。 而我现在正在处理这个问题。 我已经出生六天了。“”
It triggered certain genetic patterns within her body, and I was reborn. Chemical sabotage is a
problem that can best be dealt with by intelligence. I am a brain replete, you see, specially
designed to be far more intelligent than any young race. Within three days I was fully self-
onscious. Within five days I had deciphered these markings on my body. They are the
genetically encoded history of my race... within five days and two hours I recognized the problem
at hand and knew what to do. I am now doing it. I am six days old."

"What is it you intend to do?"

  "Your race is a very vigorous one. I expect it to be here, competing with us, within five
  “你的种族非常有活力。 我预计它将在500年内与我们竞争。 也许要早得多。 有必要对这样的竞争对手进行彻底的研究。 我邀请你永久加入我们的社群。“”
hunded years. Perhaps much sooner. It will be necessary to make a thorough study of such a
rival. I invite you to join our community on a permanent basis."

"What do you mean?"

  "I invite you to become a symbiote. I have here a male and a female, whose genes are altered
  “我邀请你成为一个共生体。 我这里有一男一女,他们的基因还被改写过,因此没有生理缺陷。 你们是完美的配对。 这将为我节省很多克隆麻烦。”
and therefore without defects. You make a perfect breeding pair. It will save me a great deal of
trouble with cloning."

"You think I'll betray my race and deliver a slave species into your hands?"

"Your choice is simple, Captain-Doctor. Remain an intelligent, living being, or become a
盲目的木偶,就像你的搭档。 我已经接管了她神经系统的所有功能; 我可以对你做同样的事情。”

mindless puppet, like your partner. I have taken over all the functions of her nervous system; I
can do the same to you."

"I can kill myself."
“这可能会带来一些麻烦,因为这会让我求助于开发克隆技术。 技术上来说,虽然我有能力,但对我来说是一种痛苦。 我是一个基因制品;我体内有故障安全装置,阻止我为自己的用途接管虫巢。 这将意味着与其它智能种族一样陷入进步的陷阱。 出于类似的原因,我的寿命有限。 我将只能活一千年,直到你们种族短暂的能量结束,再次恢复和平。

  "That might be troublesome, because it would make me resort to developing a cloning
  “只有一千年?”阿弗瑞尔痛苦地笑了。 “然后又会怎么样呢?因为拿我的后代没有任何用处,我想你会你杀光他们。”
technology. Technology, though I am capable of it, is painful to me. I am a genetic artifact; there
are fail-safes within me that prevent me from taking over the Nest for my own uses. That would
mean falling into the same trap of progress as other intelligent races. For similar reasons, my life
span is limited. I will live for only a thousand years, until your race's brief flurry of energy is over
and peace resumes once more."

  "Only a thousand years?" Afriel laughed bitterly. "What then? You kill off my descendants, I
  “不。 出于防卫研究我们选择了15个其它种族,我们还没有杀死过其中任何一个。 没有必要。 比如你头上漂浮着的那个小食腐动物,上尉-博士,它正在吃你的呕吐物。 5亿年前,它的祖先让全银河系的生物颤抖。 当他们攻击我们时,我们向他们释放了他们自己的同类。 当然,我们出于我们的立场,让他们变得更聪明、更坚强,并且天生对我们完全忠诚。 我们的虫巢是他们唯一知道的世界,他们以我们永远无法比拟的英勇和创造力战斗…… 如果你的种族来剥削利用我们,我们自然也会这样做。”
assume, having no further use for them."

"No. We have not killed any of the fifteen other races we have taken for defensive study. It
has not been necessary. Consider that small scavenger floating by your head, Captain-Doctor,
that is feeding on your vomit. Five hundred million years ago its ancestors made the galaxy
tremble. When they attacked us, we unleashed their own kind upon them. Of course, we altered
our side, so that they were smarter, tougher, and, naturally, totally loyal to us. Our Nests were the
only world they knew, and they fought with a valor and inventiveness we never could have
matched.... Should your race arrive to exploit us, we will naturally do the same."

"We humans are different."

  "Of course."
  “在这里一千年不会改变我们。 你会死,我们的后代会接管这个虫巢。 几代人之后,尽管有你,我们仍将掌管一切。 身处黑暗也不会有任何区别。"

"A thousand years here won't change us. You will die and our descendants will take over this
Nest. We'll be running things, despite you, in a few generations. The darkness won't make any

"Certainly not. You don't need eyes here. You don't need anything."

  "You'll allow me to stay alive? To teach them anything I want?"
  “当然,上尉-博士。 事实上,我们是在帮你一个忙。 一千年后,你在这里的后代将是人类的唯一残存。 我们愿意慷慨分享我们的不朽; 我们将承担保护你们的责任。”

  "Certainly, Captain-Doctor. We are doing you a favor, in all truth. In a thousand years your
  “你错了,虫群。你对智慧的认识错了,你对其它一切的认识也错了。 也许其它种族会沦为寄生虫,但我们人类是不同的。“
descendants here will be the only remnants of the human race. We are generous with our
immortality; we will take it upon ourselves to preserve you."

"You're wrong, Swarm. You're wrong about intelligence, and you're wrong about everything
else. Maybe other races would crumble into parasitism, but we humans are different."
"Certainly. You'll do it, then?"

  "Yes. I accept your challenge. And I will defeat you."
“太棒了。 当投资者回到这里时,跳虱会说他们杀了你,并告诉投资者永远不要回来了。 他们将不会再回来。 人类应该将是下一个会到达的种族。“

"Splendid. When the Investors return here, the springtails will say that they have killed you,
“也许吧。”它又叹了口气。“我很高兴不用把你吸收掉。 我会怀念和你的谈话的。
and will tell them to never return. They will not return. The humans should be the next to arrive."
"If I don't defeat you, they will."
"Perhaps." Again it sighed. "I'm glad I don't have to absorb you. I would have missed your

2022年5月26日 (四) 00:30的版本

虫群 - 布鲁斯·斯特林(Bruce Sterling)

1982年4月首次发表在《Fantasy & Science Fiction》杂志上。


西蒙·阿弗瑞尔上尉-博士将他宝石般的双手交叉在金色刺绣背心上。 “我也很遗憾,少尉,”他特别用外星人嘶嘶声说。 “我们在一起的谈话对我非常有价值,而你愿意无偿向我分享这些。”

“但那只是信息,”外星人说。 他把珠子般的明亮的眼睛在厚厚的瞬膜后面闪烁。 “我们投资者主要经营能源和贵金属。 珍视和追求纯粹的知识是一种不成熟的种族特征。“” 在外星人针孔大小的耳朵后面出些了一条长长的带肋褶边。

“毫无疑问,你是对的,” 阿弗瑞尔并不赞同他。 “然而,我们人类就像其他种族的孩子一样;因此,某种不成熟对我们来说似乎很自然。” 阿弗瑞尔摘下墨镜,揉了揉鼻梁。 星舰舱被灼热的蓝光和强烈的紫外线所浸透。 这是投资者们自己喜欢的光线,他们不打算为一个人类乘客改变它。

“你做得不错,”外星人大度地说。 “你是我们喜欢与之开展业务的那种种族: 年轻,渴望,可塑,可以接受各种物品和经历。 我们本可以更早地与你联系,但你的技术仍然太薄弱,无法为我们带来利润。“”


“的确如此,” 投资者说。 他长满鳞屑的脑袋后面的褶边迅速闪烁着,这是一种兴奋的表现。 “两百年后,你们会有足够的钱从我们这里购买我们的星际航行的秘密。” 或者你们中的机械派也许也会通过研究发现这个秘密。"

阿弗瑞尔很生气。 作为重塑派的一员,他不喜欢提到竞争对手机械派。 他说: “不要仅仅在技术专长上投入太多。” “想想我们重塑派的语言天赋吧。 这使我们的派系成为更好的贸易伙伴。 对一个机械派人来说,所有的投资者看起来都很像。"

外星人犹豫了一下。 阿弗瑞尔笑了。 他在刚刚的声明中暗暗挑动了外星人的个人野心。 这就是机械派经常犯的错误。 他们试图一致地对待所有投资者,每次都使用相同的程序化程序。 他们缺乏想象力。

阿弗瑞尔想,必须对机械派采取一些措施。 比小行星带上独立飞船和富含冰层的土星环之间的小型致命对峙更持久的东西。 两派不断周旋,寻找决定性的一击,贿赂彼此的最佳人才,进行伏击,暗杀和工业间谍活动。

西蒙·阿弗瑞尔博士上尉曾是这些角逐游戏的大师。 这就是为什么重组后的派系支付了数百万千瓦的必要费用来购买他的旅费。 阿弗瑞尔拥有生物化学和外星语言学博士学位,以及磁性武器工程硕士学位。 他现在三十八岁,在他受孕时的就已经进行了重塑。 他的荷尔蒙平衡略有改变,以补偿长时间的失重影响。 他没有阑尾。 为了提高效率,对他心脏的结构进行了重新设计,并对大肠进行了改造,以产生原来通常由肠道细菌产生的维生素。 基因工程和童年时期的严格训练使他的智商达到了180。 他不是环带议会中最聪明的特工,但他是精神最稳定,最受信任的人之一。

“看起来很遗憾,”外星人说, “像你这样有成就的人可能会在这个悲惨的、无利可图的前哨地区空耗两年。”

“我觉得这两年的时间不会浪费,” 阿弗瑞尔说。

“但你为什么选择研究虫群呢? 它们什么也教不了你,因为它们不会说话。 它们不想交易,没有工具或技术。 它们是唯一一个基本上没有智力的太空种族。“”


“那么,你想模仿它们吗? 你会把自己变成怪物。“少尉又犹豫了。”也许你能做到。然而,这对商业交易没有任何益处。”

船上的扬声器上传来一阵外星人的音乐,然后是投资者语言中特殊的高音。 大部分音调都太高了,阿弗瑞尔的耳朵听不见。


“谢谢,” 阿弗瑞尔说。 当少尉打开舱门时,阿弗瑞尔闻到了虫群代表身上的味道; 这种生物的温暖酵母气味在星际飞船的循环空气中迅速传播。

阿弗瑞尔迅速地在袖珍镜子里检查了自己的外表。 他给脸扑了一些粉,拉直了他齐肩红色金发上的圆形天鹅绒帽子。 他的耳垂上闪耀着红宝石,大如鸽蛋,是从小行星带中开采出来的。 他的及膝大衣和马甲都是金色织锦的,下面的衬衣用红金线织成的,质地非常细腻。 他的着装给投资者留下了深刻的印象,他们期望并欣赏客户的表现出繁荣华贵的面貌。 但是他怎么能给这个新外星人留下深刻印象呢? 也是可以通过嗅觉。 他给自己重新喷了一遍香水。

在星际飞船的二级气闸旁边,虫群的共生体正在向飞船指挥官发出快速的叽叽喳喳声。 这位指挥官是个昏昏欲睡的老投资人,体型是大多数船员的两倍。 她巨大的头被镶在珠宝头盔中。 从头盔里,她云状的眼睛里像照相机一样闪烁着。

这只共生体用它的六条后腿抬起自己,四只有爪的前肢无力地做着手势。 这艘船的人工重力,是地球的三分之一,似乎困扰着它。 它还未发育成熟的眼睛悬在茎杆上,紧闭着以防眩目。 它一定是习惯了黑暗,阿弗瑞尔想。

指挥官用这个虫群生物的语言回答了它。 阿弗瑞尔不由的皱眉,因为他原本希望这个生物会说话。 现在,他将不得不学习另一种语言,一种为没有舌头的生物设计的语言。

在又一次短暂的交流之后,指挥官转向了阿弗瑞尔。 “共生体对你的到来感到不满意,”她用投资者的语言告诉阿弗瑞尔。 “最近,这里显然发生了一些涉及人类的骚乱。 然而,我已经说服了你入巢。 这个意外插曲也会记录在案。 当我回到你们的星际系统时,我的外交服务费将与其它费用一起向你的派系结算。

“我感谢您的帮忙,” 阿弗瑞尔说。 “请向共生体转达我个人最良好的祝愿,以及我的善意和谦卑……” 当共生体向他扑来时,突然一停,狠狠地咬了他左腿的小腿。 阿弗瑞尔在沉重的人工重力下敏捷的跳开,选好位置摆开防卫姿势。 共生生物撕掉了他的一条裤腿;并安静地蹲下来,咀嚼它。

“它会把你的气味和成分传递给它的伙伴,”指挥官说。 “这是必要的。 否则你会被归类为入侵者,而虫群中的兵蜂会立刻杀死你。“”

阿弗瑞尔很快放松下来,把手按在咬开的伤口上,止血。 他希望没有一个投资者注意到他突然施展的身手。 这与他所说的仅是一个无害研究人员的故事不太吻合。

“我们很快就会重新打开气闸,”指挥官冷冷地说,靠在这个爬行动物的厚厚尾巴上。 共生体继续咀嚼着那块布。 阿弗瑞尔仔细观察了那个生物无颈且分段的头部。 它有嘴和鼻孔,眼茎上有球茎状萎缩的眼睛; 有一些像是无线电接收器天线的东西,还有两个平行的脊状的弯曲的触角,在三个几丁质板之间冒出来。 他猜不透这些器官的作用。

气闸门打开了。 一股浓浓的烟熏香气进入出发舱。 这似乎让好几个投资者感到不舒服,他们很快就离开了。 “按照我们的约定,我们将在612天内返回,”指挥官说。

“感谢您的协助,” 阿弗瑞尔说。


共生体,用其分段的身体弯曲蠕动,悄悄进入气闸。 阿弗瑞尔跟着它。 气闸在他们身后关闭了。 那生物没对他进行任何交流,只是继续大声地嚼着东西。 第二扇门打开了,共生体穿过它,进入了一个宽阔的圆形石洞。 它立刻消失在黑暗中。

阿弗瑞尔把太阳镜放进夹克的口袋里,掏出一副红外线夜视镜。 他把护目镜戴在头上,走出气闸。 人造重力消失了,取而代之的是虫群小行星巢几乎无法察觉的重力。 阿弗瑞尔笑了,这是几周来第一次感到自在。 他成年后的大部分时间都在无重力环境中度过,在土星环带上的shapers殖民地中度过。

蹲在隧道一侧一个黑暗洞穴里的是只大象大小,有着一个盘状头的皮毛动物。 它的自身体热在红外线中清晰可见。 Afriel可以听到它的呼吸。 它耐心地等待着,直到阿弗瑞尔经过它,深入隧道。 然后,这个生物回到隧道尽头自己的位置,用空气将自己膨胀起来,直到它膨胀的头部牢牢地将出口空间堵住。 再将它的多条腿牢牢地插入墙壁的插座中。

投资者的船已经离开了。 把阿弗瑞尔留在了这里,在这数百万颗小行星中的一颗里。 这些小行星组成的环带围绕着巨星参宿四旋转,加起来来的质量几乎是木星五倍的。 作为潜在财富的来源,整个小行星带使太阳系里的环带相形见绌,可以说它或多或少属于虫群。 至少,在投资者的记忆中,没有其他种族对它们提出过挑战。

阿弗瑞尔从走廊往上看。 它似乎空无一物,没有其他身体散发的红外线,他看不见很远。 他蹬着墙,犹豫不决地沿着走廊飘了下去。


“米尔妮博士!” 他喊道。“我在这!”

他首先看到一对幼年的共生生物向他疾驰而来,它们的爪状脚尖似乎在墙壁上飞行。 在他们身后走来一个戴着和他一样夜视镜的女人。 她很年轻,在基因重塑的作用下,莫名的很有吸引力。

她用共生生物的语言对它们发出刺耳的声音,它们停了下来,等待着。 她向前滑行,阿弗瑞尔抓住了她的胳膊,熟练地减缓了他们的速度。

“你没带行李吗?” 她焦急地说。

他摇摇头。“在我被派出来前,我们收到了你的警告。 我包里只有我穿的衣服和几件随身物品。

她有点挑剔地看着阿弗瑞尔。“现在环带的人都穿成这样了? 流行变化比我想象的要大啊。”

阿弗瑞尔瞥了一眼自己的锦衣,笑了起来。“这是一个礼仪问题。 投资者总是更愿意和一个看起来准备做大生意的人交易。 这段时间所有重塑派代表都穿成这样。 我们比机械派占有先机,他们还穿着那套工作服呢。“

还想要说些什么,但阿弗瑞尔犹豫了一下,因为不想冒犯她。 吉琳娜·米尔妮的智商评分接近200。 聪明的男女有时会反复无常,有时可能会沉浸在个人幻想世界中,有时可能陷入精心布局的陷阱。 高智商是重塑者在争取文化统治地位的斗争中选择的策略,尽管偶尔有不利因素,他们还是不得不坚持下去。 他们曾试图培育智商超过200的超级智慧个体,但他们中的太多人从重塑派的殖民地叛逃,以至于重塑派最终停止了这项计划。


“它们当然很新颖,” 阿弗瑞尔笑着说。

“它们是用蛹茧的纤维织成的,”她说。 在去年的一场麻烦中,我原来的衣柜被一只清道夫共生体吃掉了。 我通常会裸体,但我不想因为太随意而冒犯你。“

阿弗瑞尔耸耸肩。“我自己也经常裸体,除了口袋外,衣服对我从来没有太多用处。 我随身带了一些工具,但大多数都不重要。 我们是重塑者,我们的工具在这里。”他轻拍了一下头。”你是否能告诉我一个地方能安全的放衣服……”

她摇摇头。 戴着夜视镜看不到她的眼睛,这使得她的表情很难读懂。“你犯了你的第一个错误,博士。 这里没有属于自己的地方。 以前那个机械派特工也犯了同样的错误,这几乎要了我的命。 这里没有隐私或财产的概念。 这是巢。 如果你为自己攫取了它的任何部分 —— 存放私人物品,用来睡觉,不管用来干什么——那么你就成了入侵者,成为了敌人。 那两名机械师 -- 一男一女 -- 试图为他们的计算机实验室占用一间空虫室。 兵蜂们直接破门而入,吞噬了他们。 拾荒者吃掉了他们的设备、玻璃和金属碎片。“”

阿弗瑞尔冷冷地笑了。 “把这么多材料运到这里,肯定花了他们一大笔钱。”

米尔妮耸耸肩。“他们比我们富有。 他们有那些机器和矿产。 我想,他们是企图杀了我。 偷偷摸摸地,这样兵蜂们就不会因为出现暴力事件而心烦意乱。 他们有一台计算机,所以他们学习跳虱语的速度比我快。“”

“但是你活了下来,”阿弗瑞尔说。 “而且你的磁带和报告 -- 尤其是你仍然拥有大部分设备时的早期磁带和报告,-引起了我们极大的兴趣。 委员会一直支持你。 在你不在的时候,你已经成了环带的名人。

她说: “是的,我觉得应该会如此。”

阿弗瑞尔这时有点不知所措。“如果我发现这些报告有什么不足之处,”他小心地说,“那主要是在我自己的专业领域,外星语言学。” 他试着含糊地向陪伴她的两个共生体挥手。 “既然似乎是它们进行虫巢的所有交流工作,所以我认为你在与共生体的交流方面取得了长足的进步。”

她用一种难以分辨的表情看着他,耸了耸肩。 “这里至少有15种不同的共生体。 跟着我的这种被称为跳虱,它们只是同种内部相互说话。 博士,它们还是野蛮人,他们之所以受到投资者的关注,只是因为他们还能说话。 它们曾经是太空旅行的种族,但它们已经忘记了。 他们发现了虫巢,被吸收了,变成了寄生虫。”她轻拍其中一个的头。 “我驯服了这两个,因为我学会了比他们更好地偷窃和乞讨食物。 他们现在和我在一起,保护我不受更大的虫类伤害。 你知道的,它们还会相互忌妒。 它们和虫巢在一起的时间大概只有一万年,现在还不确定它们的地位。 他们仍然在思考,有时还会为自己的处境感到疑惑。 这也是10,000年后,他们仅剩的一点点了。”

“野蛮人,”阿弗瑞尔说。“我完全可以相信。 当我还在星际飞船上的时候,其中一只咬了我。 作为大使,它留下了令人深刻的印象。”

“是的,我提前警告过它你会来,”米尔妮说。 “它不太喜欢这个主意,但我用食物贿赂了他……我希望他没有把你伤得很重。”

“一点抓痕,” 阿弗瑞尔说。 “我想应该不会感染。”


“几乎不可能,” 阿弗瑞尔生气地说。 “我没有细菌。 而且无论如何,我也不会把微生物带到外星人的社群中。

米尔妮移开了目光。“我以为你可能有一些特殊的基因改造…… 我想我们现在可以出发了。 跳虱会在我们前面的各个附属虫室里用相互碰嘴来传播你的气味。 它将在几个小时内传播到整个虫巢。 一旦气味到达女王,将会被迅速传播。“”

她用脚抵住其中一只幼跳虱的坚硬外壳,然后向下进入大厅。 阿弗瑞尔跟着她。 空气很暖和,他精心制作的衣服下开始出汗,但他那防腐的汗水是无味的。

他们走进一个从岩石中挖出来的大虫室里。 房间是拱形的,长80米,直径约20米, 并且挤满了虫巢的成员。

有数百个各样的生物。 他们中的大多数是工蜂,八条腿和毛茸茸的,大小相当于大丹犬。 零星散落着兵蜂,它们有差不多马一样大小,毛茸茸的,长着可怕的尖牙,头的大小和形状有点像软垫椅。

几米外,两名工蜂抬着一名侦察虫,这名成员巨大的扁平头部与一具萎缩的身体相连,身体大部分是肺。 传感器具有巨大的板状眼睛,其皱褶的几丁质冒出长长的盘绕触角,当工虫将其缠绕时,触角微弱地抽动。 工蜂们用钩状和吸盘状的脚紧紧抓住洞壁的中空岩石。

一个毛发稀疏、没有脸,长着桨腿的怪物从他们身边划桨而过,带来温暖而难闻的空气。 它的头部前部是噩梦中会出现的锋利下巴和带甲的酸液喷嘴。“隧道虫,” 米尔妮说。 “它可以把我们带到更深的虫巢里 —— 跟我来。”她向它扑去,抓住它毛茸茸的节状背部。 阿弗瑞尔跟在她后面,两只幼小的跳虱也跟着,它们用前肢紧紧地抓着它的皮。 隧道虫层叠潮湿皮毛上的温暖油腻感,让阿弗瑞尔一阵颤抖。 它继续在空中划桨,八只流苏般的桨足像翅膀一样抓住空气。


“我在上次报告中说了大概有十万个左右,但那还是在我完全探索虫巢之前。 即使是现在,虫巢的很多部分我还没有看到。 它们的数量肯定接近25万。 这颗小行星大概是机械派最大的基地 -- 谷神星的大小。 并且它仍然有丰富的含碳质矿脉, 还远远没有被开采出来。”

阿弗瑞尔闭上了眼睛。 想像如果他弄丢夜视镜,他就必须靠摸索穿过这些拥挤、抽搐、蠕动的数以千记虫类。 “那么,人口还在增长,是吗?”

“当然,” 她说。“事实上,殖民地很快就会发起虫群交配。 在女王附近的虫室里有待选的三十多只雌雄翅虫。 一旦开始,它们就会交配并建立新的巢。 我马上带你去看它们。"她犹豫了一下。"我们现在正在进入其中一个真菌种植园。”

一只小跳虱悄悄地改变了姿势。 它用前肢抓着挖隧道虫的皮毛,开始咬住阿弗丽尔的裤脚。 阿弗瑞尔干脆的一踢,小跳虫的眼柄迅速缩回。

当他再次抬头看时,他看到他们进入了第二个虫室,比第一个大得多。 周围、头顶和下面的墙壁都被一种爆炸性的真菌掩埋。 最常见的几种有着膨胀的桶状圆顶,有的像多叉的大灌木丛,有的像挤压过的意大利面,它们在味道浓郁的微风中轻轻浮动。 一些桶状圆顶被呼出的孢子雾气包围着。



她说:“我不确定这是一种植物形式还是某种复杂的生化污泥。”。 “重点是它生长在小行星外部的阳光下。 在裸露的外太空中生长的食物来源! 想象一下,带回到环带上,这会值多少钱。”


“它本身是不可食用的,” 她说。 “有一次我试着吃了一小块。 就像在吃塑料一样。


“还行。 我们的生物化学形式与虫群非常相似。 真菌本身是完全可以食用的。 不过,反刍液更有营养。 因为工蜂后肠的内部发酵增加了它的营养价值。

阿弗瑞尔盯着她。“你会适应的,” 米尔妮说。“稍后我会教你如何向工蜂索取食物。 这是一个简单的敲击反射行为 —— 工虫的大多数行为受信息素控制,但是吐食不需要。“” 她把一束又长又脏的头发捋了一下。 “我希望我寄回的信息素样本值得运输。”

“哦,是的,”阿弗瑞尔说。“它们的化学成分很迷人。 我们设法合成了大部分化合物。 我自己也是研究团队的一员。"他犹豫了。 他能信任她到什么程度? 她还不知道他和他的上级计划要进行的实验。 也许据米尔妮所知,阿弗瑞尔和她一样是一个简单、和平的研究员。 重塑派的科学界对参与军事工作和间谍活动的少数人总持有怀疑态度。

作为对未来的一项投资,重塑派向投资者描述的19个外星人种族中的每一个都派出了研究人员。 这使重塑派损失了许多吉瓦的宝贵能源以及数吨的稀有金属和同位素。 在大多数情况下,能派出两到三名研究员;而在其中的七个种族里,只能派出一个研究员。 针对虫群,吉琳娜·米尔妮被选中。 她平静地出发,相信自己的智慧和良好意愿能让她平安活下去,并保持理智。 那些送她的人不知道她的发现是否有用或重要。 他们只知道,当务之急是把她送来,即使是孤身一人,甚至是装备不足,也要赶在其他派别派来他们的人并可能发现一些具有重要压倒性意义的技术之前。 米尔妮博士确实发现了一些重要情况。 这让她的任务变成了环带的重要防卫问题。 这就是为什么阿弗瑞尔来了。



她摇了摇头。 “请不要玩心理游戏,阿弗瑞尔博士。我离开这么远,有部分是为了逃避这种事情。请告诉我真相。”

阿弗瑞尔盯着她,后悔戴了夜视镜,他看不到她的眼睛。“好吧,”他说。 “到时候你也需要知道,环带议会已命令我进行一项可能危及我们双方生命的实验。”



“我就知道…… 那两个机械师来的时候我就知道了。 他们如此有礼貌,又如此多疑 -- 我想,如果他们不是希望贿赂或折磨我得到我的秘密,他们会立刻杀了我。 他们吓死我了,阿弗瑞尔上尉 .... 你也吓到我了。“”


“一切都与你的派系安全有关,” 她说。“我不应该带你继续走下去了,也不应该给你看到更多东西。 这个虫巢,这些生物,它们并没有智能,上尉。 他们不能思考,不能学习。 他们是无辜的,原始而无辜。 他们不知道善恶。 他们对此一无所知。 他们最不需要的就是在光年之外的其他种族中成为权力斗争的棋子。“

隧道虫已经从真菌室拐进了一个出口,在温暖的黑暗中慢慢地划着。 一群像灰色扁平的篮球一样的生物从相反的方向漂浮而过。 其中一个落在阿弗瑞尔身上,用脆弱的鞭状触手紧紧的抓住阿弗瑞尔的袖子。 阿弗瑞尔轻轻地把它拂去,触手就断裂松开了,发出一股恶臭的微红色水滴。

“当然,我在原则上同意你的看法,博士,”阿弗瑞尔语气平和地说。 “但想想那些机械师。 他们中的极端派系已经超过了一半。 你期望他们有人道主义动机吗? 他们是冷酷的,博士 -- 冷酷而没有灵魂的生物,他们可以把一个活着的男男女女切成碎片,而永远不会对痛苦感同身受。 大多数其他派系都讨厌我们。 他们叫我们种族主义超人。 难道你宁愿其中一个邪教来做我们该做的事,并利用结果来对付我们吗?

“这是故意混淆概念。”她把目光移开了。 在他们周围,工蜂们的嘴里塞满了真菌,内脏里塞满了真菌,它们在虫巢一路延伸,在他们旁边疾驰,消失在各个方向的分支隧道中。 阿弗瑞尔看到了一个很像工蜂的生物,但只有六条腿,从头顶上朝相反的方向飞驰而过。 这是一种模仿寄生虫。 他想知道,一个生物进化成这样需要多长时间?“”

“难怪我们有这么多的叛逃者,藏匿在环带里,”她悲伤地说。 “如果人类如此愚蠢,以至于像你所描述的那样陷入困境,那么最好离他们远点。 独自生活更好。 最好不要助长这种疯狂情绪的蔓延。” “这种谈话只会杀死我们,” 阿弗瑞尔说。 “我们应该效忠培养我们的派别。”

“老实告诉我,上尉,”她说。“难道你没有想过要放下一切--所有人--所有职责和约束,到别处去想一想吗? 你的整个世界,以及你在其中的角色? 我们从小就接受了如此艰苦的训练,对我们的要求也是如此之高。 你不认为这让我们不知何故忘记了自己的目标吗?“

“我们生活在太空中,” 阿弗瑞尔坦率地说。“太空是一个不自然的环境,在那里繁荣需要不自然的人付出不自然的努力。 我们的意识是我们的工具,哲学必须排在第二位。 我当然感受到了你提到的那些冲动。 但那只是另一个需要防范的威胁。 我相信应该建立一个有秩序的社会。 技术释放了巨大的力量,正在撕裂社会。 某些派系必须从斗争中产生并整合事物。 我们重塑者有智慧和克制,可以人道地去完成这一伟业。 这就是我做这份工作的原因。“他犹豫了一下,”我不指望看到我们胜利的那一天。 我预计会死于某次冲突,或者暗杀。 我能预见到成功的那一天就足够了。“”

“但这是多么傲慢啊,上尉!”她突然说。“你那小小生命的傲慢和它小小的牺牲! 考虑一下虫群,如果你真的想要你的人道和完美的秩序。 这里正是! 这里总是温暖黑暗,气味很香,食物易得,所有东西都被无休止地完美地回收利用。 唯一失去的资源是身体的交配的和一点空气。 像这样的虫巢可以保持几十万年不变。 几十万年..几十万年的...持续下去。 不管是谁,还会在一千年后记住我们和我们的愚蠢派系?“

阿弗瑞尔摇了摇头。 这不是一个可以拿来对比的情况。 我们没有这么长的视野。 再过一千年,我们将成为机器或神。“” 他摸了摸头顶,他的天鹅绒帽子不见了。 毫无疑问,现在它已经进了哪只虫子的肚子。

隧道工把他们带进了小行星蜂窝状的微重力迷宫。 他们看到了蛹室,在那里苍白的幼虫被包裹在丝线里; 主真菌种植园; 墓地坑里有翼的工蜂在浓汤般的空气中不停地挥动翅膀,排出由于分解而产生的热量。 腐蚀性黑色真菌将死者的尸体分解成粗糙的黑色粉末,这些粉末再被熏黑的工虫们带走。这些工蜂很多也就死在了这些粉末里。

后来,他们离开了隧道虫,独自漂浮着。 女人已经对这样的情况驾轻就熟了; 阿弗瑞尔跟着她,与吱吱作响的工蜂发生了激烈的碰撞。 它们数以千计,依附在天花板、墙壁和地板上,聚集在一起,向各种能想到的角度来回奔忙。

后来,他们参观了有翼的”王子“和”公主“的虫室,这是一个空荡的圆形穹顶,一些40米长的生物在悬浮在空中弯曲着腿。(译者注:这些应该是准备经过太空旅行去建立分巢的虫) 他们的身体是像是分段金属状的,胸部在本来是翅膀所在的地方,长着有机火箭喷嘴。 沿着光滑的背部折叠的像是长长扫描雷达天线吊杆。 它们看起来更像是正在建造的行星际探测器,而不是像是任何生物。 工蜂们不停地给它们喂食。 他们长着鼓起气孔的腹部充满了压缩氧气。

通过巧妙地敲击路过工蜂的触角并引发的反射动作,米尔妮向它讨要了一大块真菌,。 她把大部分真菌交给了两只跳虱,它们贪婪地吞食着真菌,并期待更多的真菌。

阿弗瑞尔把腿盘成微重力下的打坐姿势,开始专心地咀嚼这种坚韧的菌类。 它有点硬,但味道很好,就像熏肉一样 -- 那是他也只曾尝过一次的美味。 烟糊的味道让他想起重塑派殖民地将面临灾难。

米尔妮保持着冷冰冰的沉默。 “食物没问题,” 阿弗瑞尔说。 “我们睡在哪里?”她耸耸肩。“任何地方……到处都有未使用的壁龛和隧道。 我想你接下来会想去参观女王的主巢的。“



她从源源不断的虫流中另一个工蜂那里收集了一抱真菌,然后他们继续前进。 已经完全迷路的阿弗瑞尔在虫室和隧道的迷宫中感到更加困惑。 最后,他们进入了一个巨大的无光洞穴。整个洞穴被女王可怕的身体发出的红外线照亮。 它是群落的中央工厂。 虽然它是由温暖的肉质制成的,但这并不能掩盖其本质上是一台制造机器。 成吨的简化真菌营养糊进入了一端光滑的盲颚。 软肉的圆形波涛消化和加工它们,蠕动,吸吮,和波动,发出与机器一样响亮的搅拌声和咯咯声。 从另一端出来的是一望无际的传送带状的虫卵流,每个虫卵都装在浓稠腻滑的激素糊中。 工蜂们竭力把虫卵舔干净,然后把它们送到托儿所。 每个虫卵都有一个人的躯干那么大。

这个过程一直在继续。 在这颗光线照不进来的小行星中心,没有白天或黑夜。 这些生物的基因中没有残留的昼夜节律。 生产流程是恒定的,甚至与自动化矿山的工作一样。

“这就是我来这里的原因,”阿弗瑞尔敬畏地喃喃说道。“”看看这个,医生。 机械派拥有比我们领先几代的赛博采矿机械。 但是,在这个无名的小世界里,有一种基因技术,可以自我喂养、自我维护、自我运行,高效、无休止、无意识地运行。 这是完美的有机工具。 哪个派系能利用这些不知疲倦的工人,哪个派系就能称为工业泰坦。 而我们的生物化学知识是无与伦比的。 我们重塑派正适合承担这一使命。”

“你打算怎么做?”米尔妮持怀疑态度。 “你需要将受精后的虫后一路运送到太阳系。 投资者不会允许我们这样做,即使会允许我们也负担不起费用。

“我不需要整个虫巢,” 阿弗瑞尔耐心地说。 “我只需要一个虫卵的基因信息。 我们在环带的实验室可以会克隆出无数的工虫 工蜂。 “但是没有虫巢的信息素,工蜂们毫无用处。 它们需要化学信息素来触发它们的行为模式。“”

“完全正确,”阿弗瑞尔说。“碰巧的是,我拥有那些合成和浓缩的信息素。 我现在必须要做的是测试它们。 我必须证明我可以利用它们让工蜂们做我安排的事情。 一旦我证明了这是可行的,我就被授权将必要的基因信息走私回环带。 投资者不会同意的。 当然,这涉及到道义问题,投资者的基因技术并不先进。 但我们可以用我们赚到的利润赢回他们的认可。 最重要的是,我们可以在机械派自己的工业游戏中击败他们。“

“你把信息素带到这里了?”米尔妮说。 “投资者发现它们的时候没有怀疑到什么吗?”

“现在是你犯了一个错误,” 阿弗瑞尔平静地说。 “你认为投资者是绝不会犯错的。 你错了。 一个没有好奇心的种族永远不会像我们重塑者那样探索每一种可能性。“ 阿弗瑞尔拉起裤子袖口,伸出右腿。 “注意我小腿上的静脉曲张。 在长期在微重力环境中的人,这种循环问题很常见。 然而,这条静脉已被人为阻断并进行了防透析处理。 静脉内有10个不同的转基因细菌菌落,每个菌落都是专门培育出来的,以产生不同的群体信息素。

他笑了。 “投资者对我进行了彻底的搜查,包括X光检查。 但在X光下,静脉看起来是正常的,细菌被困在静脉的隔间里。 它们是无法检测到的。 我身上有一个小的医疗包。 它包括一个注射器。 我们可以用它来提取信息素并测试它们。 当测试结束时 —— 我相信它们会成功的,事实上我已经把我的职业生涯押在这上面了 —— 我们可以清空静脉和所有的腔室。 而细菌一接触空气就会死亡。 我们可以用发育中的胚胎卵黄填充静脉。 这些卵黄细胞可能会在返回途中存活下来,但即使它们死亡,它们也不会在我体内腐烂。 它们永远不会接触到任何腐烂物质,遗传物质会很好的保存下来。 回到环带中,我们可以学习激活和抑制不同的基因,就像自然界里一样来产生不同的虫族。 如果需要的话,我们将有数百万的工蜂和兵蜂,甚至可能有用经过改造的成虫制成的有机火箭。 如果这行得通,你觉得我和我傲慢的小小生命和小小牺牲会被人记起吗,嗯? "

她盯着他看;即使是笨重的夜视镜也无法掩饰她产生的敬畏。 “那么,你真的想这么做了吗?”



阿弗瑞尔轻蔑地耸了耸肩。“你在玩弄文字游戏,博士。 我不会伤害这个群落。 我可能会让工蜂服从我的化学指令,同时偷走它们一点点的劳动力,但这一小小的盗窃它们不会在意。 我承认谋杀了一个虫卵,但这和人类堕胎一样不是犯罪。 盗窃一点遗传物质可以称为 “绑架” 吗? 我想不是。 至于奴隶种族这一可耻的想法 -- 我完全反对。 这些生物是基因机器人。 它们和我们使用的激光钻机或货轮是一样的。 在最坏的情况下,它们将是我们的家畜。

米尔妮考虑一下这个问题。 不久她说到,“是的。 它们不像是普通工人会凝视着星星,渴望他的自由。 它们只是无脑的绝育者。”




“如果成功了,”米尔妮说,“如果成功了,我们的派系将获的极大的利益。”阿弗瑞尔真诚地笑了,没有意识到他表情中的冷嘲。 “还有个人利益,博士……这一宝贵知识是属于首个开发这项技术的人的。”他轻声细语地说着。“你见过泰坦星上的氮雪吗? 我认为那里有一个自己的领地 -- 比以前任何其它领地的都大得,大得多…… 一个真正的城市,吉琳娜,一个领主可以废除所有让他恼怒的规则和纪律的地方....“”


阿弗瑞尔沉默了一会儿,然后努力地笑了。“好吧,现在你打断了我的完美遐想,” 他说。 “此外,我所描述的是一个富有的人来之不易的退休生活,而不是一些自我放纵的隐士……这两者有着明显的区别。”他犹豫了一下。“在任何情况下,我是否可以断定你和我一起参与这个项目?”

她笑了,摸了摸他的胳膊。 她的笑声有点琢磨不透,接着被女王可怕的肠道发出的巨大生物隆隆声淹没了。。。。 “你认为我会在以后的两年里花时间来抵制你的观点吗? 最好我现在让步,避免摩擦。”


“毕竟,你不会对虫巢造成任何伤害。 它们永远不会知道发生了什么事。 如果他们的基因生产线在返回后成功繁殖,人类就再也没有理由去打扰它们了。

“完全正确,” 阿弗瑞尔说,尽管在他的脑海中,他立即想到了参宿四小行星系统的惊人财富。 总有一天,人类将真正地集体走向群星,这是不可避免的。 了解每一个可能成为竞争对手种族的来龙去脉将很有必要。

她说: “我会尽力帮助你。” 沉默了片刻后。“这个地区你看够了吗?”


“起初我认为我不会喜欢你。”她坦率地说。“我想我现在开始喜欢你了。 你似乎有一种幽默感,这是大多数防卫人员所缺乏的。“”

“这不仅是幽默,”阿弗瑞尔悲伤地说。“这是一种意外的笑料。” 在接下来难熬的时间里,已经没有了天的概念。 只有杂乱的偶尔睡觉时间,一开始他们分开行动,后来又在一起,如果在自由落体中拉住对方。 性接触中皮肤和身体的感觉成为了他们共有人性的纽带。这是一种分裂、破损的人性,让人感觉如此之远,以至于这个概念似乎都不再有任何意义。 生活在温暖拥挤的隧道里随波逐流;他们两个就像血液中的细菌,随着脉动的潮起潮落不停地移动。 几个月之后,时间本身也变得毫无意义。

信息素测试是复杂的,但并非一筹莫展。 十种信息素中的第一种是简单的分组刺激,当化学物质从一个触点传播到另一个触点时,可以导致大量工蜂聚集在一起。 然后,工蜂会等待进一步指示; 如果没有,工蜂就会再分散开。 为了有效地工作,信息素必须像计算机指令一样以混合或顺序的方式释放;例如一号,分组信息素,可以与三号信息素一起使用,这是一种运输指令,它会使工蜂清空给定的虫室,并将其功能转移到另一个虫室。 九号信息素具有最佳的工业可能性;它是一种建筑指令,促使工蜂聚集起隧道虫和挖掘虫,让他们开始工作。 其它信息素则很让人困扰; 十号信息素激起了梳理行为,工蜂毛茸茸的手掌剥光了阿弗瑞尔衣服的所有剩余碎布。 八号信息素让工蜂去收集小行星表面的材料,为了观察其影响,他们两个差点被困在太空中。

他们两个不再害怕兵蜂。 他们发现六号信息素会让它们和工蜂一样都会急忙去保卫虫卵。 米尔妮和阿弗瑞尔利用这一点来保护自己的房间。这些房间由被化学劫持的工蜂挖掘,并由被劫持的气闸守卫虫进行保护。 他们有自己的真菌种植园来净化空气,种植他们最喜欢的真菌,并由一只他们一直控制的工蜂消化,以供应他们食物。 由于终日暴食和缺乏运动,这只工蜂已经胖鼓鼓的,像一颗巨大的葡萄悬挂在墙上。

阿弗瑞尔累了。 他最近很久没睡了,多久了,他也不知道。 他的身体节律没有像米尔妮那样调整好,他很容易出现抑郁和烦躁的情绪,还不得不努力抑制这种情绪。 “投资者不知道什么时候会回来。”他说,“应该很快了。”

米尔妮对此漠不关心。“投资者……”她说,然后用跳虱的语言跟在后面,但他没有听清楚。 尽管阿弗瑞尔也接受过语言训练,但在使用跳虱那音调尖利的俗语方面,一直没有跟上她的步伐。 他的训练似乎反而是一种负担。跳虱的语言已经退化了很多,以至于它是一种混杂语音,缺少规律。 他所知道的可以给它们下达简单的命令,由于他对兵蜂的部分控制力,使他对跳虱有一定的威慑影响。 跳虱们害怕他,被米尔妮驯服的两只跳虱幼崽已经长的胖乎乎的,像体型超标的暴君,随时还恐吓它们的长辈。 阿弗瑞尔太忙了,无法抽空认真的研究跳虱或其它共生体。 手头的现实问题实在太多了。

“如果投资者来得太早,我将无法完成我的最新研究,”她用人类语言说。 阿弗瑞尔脱下他的红外夜视镜,将它们紧紧地扣在脖子上。 “吉琳娜,要有所取舍,”他打着哈欠说。“没有设备,你只能记住这么多数据。 我们只能静静地等着,直到我们能回去。 我希望投资者看到我时不会感到震惊。 那身衣服让我损失了一大笔钱。“”

“自从分巢的新虫群出发以后,虫巢就变得如此乏味。 如果没有候飞室里的新情况,我会无聊死的。” 她用双手把油腻的头发从脸上拨开。“你要睡了吗?”


“你不和我一起去吗? 我一直告诉你,那里有个新成长的虫子很重要。 我认为这是一种新的个体类型。 这绝对不是一个普通成虫。 它的眼睛像一只成虫,但却紧贴着墙壁生长。“ “那么,它可能根本不是一个蜂群成员,” 他实在太疲倦了,开玩笑地对她说。“它可能是一种寄生虫,一种拟态动物。 如果你想去的话,自己去看看吧。 我会等你。“

一会儿他听见了米尔妮离开的声音。 就算没有他自己发出的红外线,这里也不是完全的黑暗;上面虫室里正生长着冒着热气的真菌,在发出微弱的光。 吃饱了的工蜂在墙上悉悉索索地轻轻移动,。 他睡着了。

当他醒来时,米尔妮还没有回来。 他并没有感到惊慌。 首先,他去了投资者首次丢下他的气闸隧道。 其实大可不必担心 —— 投资者总是履行他们的合同 —— 但他担心投资到达的那天,会比较不耐烦,没有耐心等他。 当然,他要让投资者稍微等一下。 米尔妮可以让投资者短时间内耽误一会儿,同时他要赶紧去产卵室并取到发育中的活体卵细胞。 虫卵最好尽量新鲜。

再次策划好后他开始去找些吃的。 当米尔妮的两只被驯服的跳虱发现他时,他正在一个前室里咀嚼真菌。 “你们想要什么?”他用它们的语言问道。



“不动,” 第二只说道。 它还贪吃的补充道,“现在吃?”

阿弗瑞尔给了它们一些食物。 它们立刻吃了起来,但似乎更多的是出于习惯而非真正的胃口,这让他感到震惊。


两只跳虱飞走了。他轻快地跟随者它们,巧妙地躲避交织在工蜂群中。 它们通过隧道网络把他带到了几英里外的候飞室。 在那里,它们停了下来,感到困惑。“不见了,”大点那个说。

这里是空的。 阿弗瑞尔以前从未见过它是空的,而蜂群闲置这么多空间是非常罕见的。 他感到害怕。“跟着送食物的人走,”他说。“跟着气味走。”

没有太多热情的跳虱沿着墙嗅着鼻子。它们知道阿芙丽尔现在没有食物,也不愿做任何没有立即奖励的事情。 最后,其中一只闻到了气味,或者假装闻到了,然后顺着气味穿过天花板,进入了隧道口。 在废弃的虫室里,因为没有足够的红外线热量,阿弗瑞尔很难看到太多东西;。 他跟着跳虱向上跳起。

突然他听到兵蜂的咆哮和跳虱的哽咽尖叫。 跳虱从隧道口里飞出来,从破裂的头部喷出凝结的液体。 跳虱不停翻滚,最后嘎吱一声撞到远处的墙上,身体已经松软。 它已经死了。

第二只跳虱立刻带着悲伤和恐惧尖叫着逃走了。 阿弗瑞尔降落在隧道的边缘,双腿缓冲,蹲伏下来。 他能闻到战士愤怒的刺鼻气味,这是一种很浓的信息素,甚至人类都能闻到。 数十名其他兵蜂会在几分钟或几秒钟内聚集在这里。 在愤怒的兵蜂后面,他可以听到工蜂和隧道虫在搬运和黏合岩石。

他也许能控制一个愤怒的兵蜂,但决不能控制两个甚至二十个。 他从虫室的墙上跳起,从出口退了出来。

接着他尝试搜寻刚刚逃走的跳虱 -- 他确信自己能认出它,因为它比其他跳虱大得多 -- 但他找不到它。 凭借敏锐的嗅觉,如果那个跳虱想避开他的话,它可以很容易地避开他。

米尔妮也没有回来。 数小时过去了。 他又睡着了。 他回到了候飞室,那里有几名兵蜂在守卫着,是一些对食物不感兴趣的兵蜂。当他走近时,它们挥舞着巨大的锯齿状尖牙, 看起来准备把他撕成碎片; 攻击性信息素的微弱臭气像雾一样笼罩在这个地方。 他没有在兵蜂的身体上看到任何共生生物。 有一种物种,就像一只巨大的扁虱,只依附于兵蜂身上,但就连扁虱也消失了。

他回到自己的房间等待和思考。 米尔妮的尸体不在垃圾坑里。 当然,也有可能是别的什么东西把她吃掉了。 他是否应该从静脉中提取一些剩余的信息素,并尝试闯入候飞室? 他怀疑米尔妮或她留下的任何东西,就在跳虱被杀的隧道里的某个地方。 他自己从未探索过这条隧道。 还有成千上万条隧道他还从未探索过。

他因犹豫不决和恐惧而感到无力。 他是否可以保持沉默,他是否可以什么都不做,反正投资者随时可能会来。 他可以告诉环带委员会任何他编造的关于米尔妮之死的事情; 如果他有遗传基因,没有人会吹毛求疵。 他不爱她;他尊重她,但还不足以为此放弃自己的生命,也不足以放弃自己派别的投资。 他很久没有想到过环带议会了,这一想法让他清醒了下来。 他将不得不向别人解释他此刻的决定 .... 然而这时他听到房间活体气闸自动放气,空气嗖嗖作响的声音。 三个兵蜂为他而来。 它们身上没有愤怒的味道。 它们缓慢而小心地移动着。 他知道不该试图抵抗。 其中一只兵蜂轻轻的用巨大下巴抓住他,把他带走。

兵蜂把他带到了候飞室,进入了曾被看守的隧道。 在隧道的尽头挖出了一个新的大虫室。 它几乎被一团黑色斑点的白色肉块填满了。 在这团柔软的斑点中间,有一张嘴和两只长在茎杆上的潮湿、闪闪发光的眼睛。 在眼睛上方的脊皱丛生着长长的卷须,像导管一样摇晃着,扭动着。 卷须以粉红色,肉质的插头状团块结束。

而米尔妮正被其中一根卷须穿过头骨。 她的身体悬在半空中,软弱无力,像融化的蜜蜡。 她的眼睛是睁着的,但是完全一副空洞的状态。
另一根卷须插在一只变异工蜂的脑壳上。 这只工蜂仍然有着幼虫般的苍白色彩;它已经萎缩变形,嘴巴看起来像人类的嘴巴。 嘴里有一个像舌头一样的点,还有像人类牙齿一样的白色突起。 它没有眼睛。




阿弗瑞尔吐了。 在中央的这个巨物是一个巨大的头。 它的大脑几乎填满了整个房间。
“我发现自己又被唤醒了,” 虫群声音显得有点朦胧。“我很高兴看到的不是什么让我担心的重大紧急情况。 相反,这是一种几乎已成为例行公事的威胁。“它微妙地犹豫了一下。 米尔妮的身体在半空中微微移动;她的呼吸异常规律。



“我就是虫群。 也可以说,我是它的分工阶级之一。 我是一种工具,一种适应;我的专长是智能。 我不是经常需要的那类阶级。 再次被需要是很好的。"
“你一直都在这里吗? 你为什么不跟我们打招呼? 我们会和你友好共处的。 我们没有恶意。“”
插管一端湿润的嘴巴发出了笑声。 “像你一样,我喜欢意外的笑料,”她说。 “你发现自己掉进了一个很漂亮的陷阱,上尉-博士。 你想要让虫群为你和你的种族工作。 你想要培育我们,研究我们,利用我们。 这是一个极好的计划,但早在你们种族进化之前,我们就已经想到了这个计划。

被恐惧刺痛的阿弗瑞尔开始意志慌乱。 “你是一个智慧生物,” 阿弗瑞尔说。“没有理由要伤害我们。 让我们一起谈谈。 我们甚至可以给你提供帮助。“

“是的。” 虫群同意。“你们会有所帮助的。 你同伴的记忆告诉我,这是一个令人不安的时期,当前银河系的智慧生物盛行。 智能是一个很大的麻烦。 这给我们带来了各种各样的麻烦。"


“你们是年轻的种族,非常看重自己的聪明才智,”虫群说。 “一般你看不到智力并不是一种求生特征。”
阿弗瑞尔擦去脸上的汗水。“我们做得很好,”他说。 “我们上门来找你,而且是和平的。而你没有来找我们。”
“确切地说我指的是,” 虫群从容不迫地说。“这种扩大,探索,发展的冲动正是使你们灭绝的原因。 你们天真地认为你可以持续无限期地满足你们的好奇心。 这是一个古老的谎言,在你们之前的无数种族都在追逐它。 一千年之内-也许更长一点...你们的物种就会消失。"


“你又一次没有抓住重点。 所谓知识就是力量! 你认为你们那脆弱的小身体 —— 你们原始的双腿,可笑的胳膊和手,小小的、几乎没有皱纹的大脑 —— 能容纳所有知识的力量吗? 当然做不到! 在你们自己的知识影响下,你们的种族已经变得支离破碎。 原始的人类形态正在变得不合时宜。 你们自己的基因已经被改变了,而你,上尉-博士,是一个原始的实验。 一百年后你们将成为过去。 一千年后,你们甚至都不会被记起。 你们的种族将和上千个其它种族一样走上同样的道路。


“我不知道。”蜂群触须末端的东西发出咯咯的笑声。 “他们已经超越了我的认知。 他们都发现了一些东西,学到了一些东西,这让他们超出了我的理解。 可能他们甚至超越了现有的存在。 无论如何,我感觉不到他们的存在。 他们似乎什么都不做,他们似乎什么都不干预;无论出于何种意图和目的,他们似乎都死了。 消失了。 他们可能变成了神,或者鬼魂。 无论是哪种情况,我都不想加入他们的行列。

“那么 -- 那么你有 --”

“智慧是一把双刃剑,上尉-博士。 它只在一定程度上有用。

它干扰了生活事务。 生命和智慧并不能很好地融合在一起。 你可以简单的认为它们根本没有密切的关系。”


“正如我所说,我只是一个工具。”它触须末端的变异装置发出了叹息的声音。 “当你开始你的信息素实验时,产生的化学失衡对女王来说是显而易见的。 它触发了她体内的某些遗传模式,接着我就重生了。 化学信息素捣乱是一种最好由智能来处理的问题。 你看,我是特化了大脑,被特别设计成比任何其它年轻种族都聪明得多。 诞生三天后,我有了自我意识。 五天后,我就破译了我身上的这些标记。 它们是我种族的基因编码史。 在五天零两个小时后,我意识到了手头的问题,并知道该怎么办。 而我现在正在处理这个问题。 我已经出生六天了。“”


“你的种族非常有活力。 我预计它将在500年内与我们竞争。 也许要早得多。 有必要对这样的竞争对手进行彻底的研究。 我邀请你永久加入我们的社群。“”


“我邀请你成为一个共生体。 我这里有一男一女,他们的基因还被改写过,因此没有生理缺陷。 你们是完美的配对。 这将为我节省很多克隆麻烦。”


“你的选择很简单,上尉-博士。要么保持智慧思考,作一个活生生的生物,要么成为一个 盲目的木偶,就像你的搭档。 我已经接管了她神经系统的所有功能; 我可以对你做同样的事情。”


“这可能会带来一些麻烦,因为这会让我求助于开发克隆技术。 技术上来说,虽然我有能力,但对我来说是一种痛苦。 我是一个基因制品;我体内有故障安全装置,阻止我为自己的用途接管虫巢。 这将意味着与其它智能种族一样陷入进步的陷阱。 出于类似的原因,我的寿命有限。 我将只能活一千年,直到你们种族短暂的能量结束,再次恢复和平。

“只有一千年?”阿弗瑞尔痛苦地笑了。 “然后又会怎么样呢?因为拿我的后代没有任何用处,我想你会你杀光他们。”
“不。 出于防卫研究我们选择了15个其它种族,我们还没有杀死过其中任何一个。 没有必要。 比如你头上漂浮着的那个小食腐动物,上尉-博士,它正在吃你的呕吐物。 5亿年前,它的祖先让全银河系的生物颤抖。 当他们攻击我们时,我们向他们释放了他们自己的同类。 当然,我们出于我们的立场,让他们变得更聪明、更坚强,并且天生对我们完全忠诚。 我们的虫巢是他们唯一知道的世界,他们以我们永远无法比拟的英勇和创造力战斗…… 如果你的种族来剥削利用我们,我们自然也会这样做。”



“在这里一千年不会改变我们。 你会死,我们的后代会接管这个虫巢。 几代人之后,尽管有你,我们仍将掌管一切。 身处黑暗也不会有任何区别。"



“当然,上尉-博士。 事实上,我们是在帮你一个忙。 一千年后,你在这里的后代将是人类的唯一残存。 我们愿意慷慨分享我们的不朽; 我们将承担保护你们的责任。”
“你错了,虫群。你对智慧的认识错了,你对其它一切的认识也错了。 也许其它种族会沦为寄生虫,但我们人类是不同的。“


“太棒了。 当投资者回到这里时,跳虱会说他们杀了你,并告诉投资者永远不要回来了。 他们将不会再回来。 人类应该将是下一个会到达的种族。“


“也许吧。”它又叹了口气。“我很高兴不用把你吸收掉。 我会怀念和你的谈话的。